Surgery Day and Then Some

Mar 05, 2012

What a whirlwind the last week has been -

My surgery was scheduled for February 29th - so that meant my last day to eat whatever I wanted was Monday - February 27. What was the very last food item I ate? It was a crunchy peanut butter smidgen. And it was damn good -

Tuesday started the clear diet fast - it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. Of course, I had clear protein waters that I had for lunch and some nice chicken broth for dinner. And - as a suggestion from a friend - I drank a lot of fluids that day trying to be as hydrated as I could. In the evening, as per surgeons instructions, I took a shower and prepped the site with these weird wipes. I did manage to sleep pretty good considering what was awaiting me the next day. I have to be honest - I wasn't really nervous or scared - well - I was a little bit mostly because I'd been fighting off a cold for a few days and feared it would rear its ugly head on Wednesday morning. But I was excited to just get it done and over with and on with the new stage of my life.

Wednesday morning was cold with snow in the forecast. I prepped the site again as instructed, brushed my teeth and was pretty much ready to go.  I was a little afraid of they type of care I would receive at Bon Secours - only because it was kind of old and I was unfamiliar with the place. Gregg was a huge support - kept me calm and heading forward.

I registered at the hospital and went to have some blood drawn for my pregnancy test and was sent to the second floor. Bon Secours has a dedicated unit just for bariatric surgeries. It was nice and clean and the nurses that work there were friendly and warm - really put my mind at ease. I had my own room with bathroom which was nice. I changed into my gown and made myself comfy on the bed. I received an injection in my belly to help with clotting (or not clotting - I'm still not sure). The nurse also tried to start my IV - but just managed to mangle my arm a little bit. 

Gregg and I watched tv for a little bit - just tried to relax. We saw them bring in the patient in the room next to me. I then started to get nervous.

I was brought to the pre -op where an IV was started - the doctor came in and was had a little chat - then the anesthesiologist came in and chatted about the type of anesthesia I would be having. Thankfully - was all via IV - I hate that mask thing that I've had to endure in the past. I got my party hat and then we were on a roll to the OR. I barely remember that - we started talking about Italy and flying to Italy and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

When I began to wake up - my mouth was like cotton and my throat was raw. I couldn't even make spit I was so dry and uncomfortable. The nurse wiped around my mouth and I realized that I had been incubated. Thank goodness I didn't know that before hand because that would have upset me. I really just wanted to hug someone for a sec - I know I reached for the nurses hand and she held mine for a few seconds. That helped so much. Strange what brings comfort. Once I started to really come around - the nurse asked if I wanted an ice chip. Yes - God yes - anything to help with the dry and the sore. It was truly devine - and I had no problem with it. I wanted the whole cup to be honest - I got a few more before being wheeled back to my room. And when I got there Gregg was waiting. A sight for sore eyes. He was happy I made it thru - I was happy to see him. :)
I got a few 1 ounce cups of ice chips - I wanted to just dump them all in my mouth the help the dry and the sore.  But what became more obvious is a huge pain in my sternum. The nurse came in and asked me how I was feeling - I told her I felt like I had to burp but couldn't get it up. She wanted me to actually sit on the side of the bed - I barely got myself upright and I belched all over her - a big - boisterous belch and I felt a million times better.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with getting ice chips in and I got up to walk the halls. That helped so much relieving the gas - I peed all by myself and really I seemed pretty good despite the 6 wounds in my belly. I have to say - the drugs were pretty good too. ;)

The evening came on and Gregg stayed with me until 9. The nurses offered to make him a bed to stay if he wanted - but since he had a cold - we felt it was best he went home.

The evening nurses were just as wonderful as the day nurses. They were so attentive to me - One nurse made me tummy mummy's. I'm not sure that's what she called them - but it was something like that. It was a towel - wetted - microwaved - put in a plastic bag and wrapped in a pillowcase. You hold it to your wounds. It was warm and wonderful and she even made a smaller one to put between my breasts. She tried to make me comfy laying down - but it hurt too bad to stay that way. She was so sweet.

On Thursday - Gregg came to see me first thing in the morning. I napped - I paced - I ate ice chips. Repeat.  Later on in the day, since there were only 2 patients, I was moved up to maternity. The room was gorgeous - like a spa - with big windows and wonderful staff again. No babies sadly - And only one other person on the floor. I continued to just munch and walk - Deathly afraid of getting clots or pneumonia .

Friday morning arrived and I saw Dr. K who released me! :) Everyone at the hospital said I was doing great and felt I would be very successful. It really made me proud of myself - I was worried about the water about being able to keep hydrated on my own. And I kept hoping I could keep the cold at bay. 

It was great to be home - great to see my son and the animals. It felt like I had been gone longer than a few days -

A few things about pain - I did have pain - but it was managed well in the hospital and by the time I got home I was confident I'd be good to go. After all - I had gotten the drugs ahead of time - omeperzole for acid, something for pain and something for nausea. I had also picked up a bottle of childrens tylenol.  Turns out the CT was absolutely disgusting - it was thick and sugary and really made me nauseous. I picked up a different brand the next day - with pretty much the same result. So - if I need tylenol - I just crush and mix with apple sauce. It tastes disgusting but it helps.  I only use the prescription meds when I go to bed -  The only thing that hurts is on the left side  - but even that's not awful. I'm very lucky  - super lucky that so far things seem to be going well.


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Jan 23, 2012
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