Three Weeks Post Surgery

Mar 21, 2012

Wow - can't believe three weeks ago at this time, I was just being wheeled into recovery.  It seemed like it took forever for my big day to arrive - but how time  has flown since.

It's been a great week -

I managed a week end with my mother in law - and that is a feat and a half. We started at Stew Leonards - which happens to be the best super market that I've ever been to. They fill a "specialty foods" niche better than any place else I've ever been. It must have been 'taste test Saturday' - cause every 10 feet there were sample kiosks with all sorts of nibbles. And - can I say -at first I was like, "oh sure...I can't have any of that." But soon I did find myself thinking, "I don't really want any of that."  Who am I becoming? lol Ok - there was some chicken salad which I probably could have tried but at that time I was still on liquids. But there will be another time - ;)

Another thing about my MIL - she's a FANTASTIC cook! Little old Italian lady who loves to eat - And since hubby and sonny have been eating bachelor specials (primarily lean cuisines since I haven't been cooking) - they were in heaven. Cheese steak sandwiches (the smell almost drove me insane) on Saturday and mussels marinara for Sunday dinner. And - again - I felt bad for myself because I couldn't have any, but watching everyone eat - I realized I didn't really want it! Such a strange realization honestly.

Monday brought my next appointment with the dietician - Down 8 pounds since my last visit!!!! So 18 altogether since surgery - It's amazing!  But even better - I rec'd the ok to move to phase 2 - pureed foods. :)  And I didn't waste any time - I had about 2 tables spoons of cottage cheese Monday afternoon. And tunafish Monday evening. It took me 90 minutes to eat it -but boy was I satisfied.

Monday also brought my return to work. I have to say - the ladies all seemed genuinely happy to see me. I was glad to see them - get's a bit boring around the house all day. I had a great day - and really felt very good considering. We had our annual meeting after hours - another food filled event. I stayed for just a little while (I'm usually first in - last out) - but I let the CEO drive the setup and breakdown and I didn't feel guilty about it. I left early - I just didn't want to sit around and watch everyone eat. (Plus the thoughts of that tuna fish were driving me to distraction - lol).

Tuesday - felt better even still. But - already I can see that getting in all my fluids is going to be my challenge for a long while. I get so involved in my work that I forget to drink. Not good at all - I did feel very dry by the time I got home from work. And - I think I take too long consuming my shakes - I'm so afraid of stretching out the pouch. And - to be honest - I FEEL like I need to eat (little shaky and weak) but I am certainly do not have the hungry sensation.

Today - Wednesday - I dunno why I cannot sleep. I was awake at 4:30 - despite being dog tired when I went to bed at 11:30. Finally at 6 I just got up and went on the elliptical and then worked out with some weights. I need to ask the dietician about when to have a shake or some protein - because I've noticed I'm so dog ass tired when I work out first thing in the morning. I mean really - I can barely shower after I'm so spent. I must have to have something before hand - but how much is the question. I can't wolf it down - and I don't want to have too much for fear of vomiting.

And that ends week 3 - :) on a high note even -


Two weeks post surgery

Mar 16, 2012

So Wednesday, March 14 marked two weeks since my surgery.  This past week was obviously better than the first week - if for nothing else - I feel more mobile. I have really been trying to get out and walk 25-35 minutes per day. In addition, I've been trying to tackle small chores around the house. Some days are great - full of energy - and other days I just want to sit on the couch.

Hubby and I got bikes over the past week end. It's exhausting for me to do more than pedal up and down the short bit in front of the house. I don't want to over do it too much - but I do know I need diversity in my activity or I just give up.

My side has been very sore - if I sneeze wrong or move - sometimes the way I sit down - it is truly painful. It's one of those things - is it so bad I should call the doctor? It does get better every day - so I'll wait I guess.

The cable guy was here to update our system - Turns out he had GP back in 2005. He's kept it off and was so enthusiastic about his journey - it made me excited again.

I am really beginning to miss the physical act of eating. It has been 15 days since I've had anything solid. Popsicles don't cut it exactly. The cable guy told me to ask if I could have miso soup at this stage of my diet. I was so excited - I called the dietician as soon as he left. Sadly - the dietician wants me to keep with my water and my protein drinks. I go next Monday and will begin on the second phase. From what I can tell - it's pureed foods. I want either tuna or tilapia - I just wonder what they will ok.

I got two bariatric books from Amazon. Both were mentioned in a post from another online blogger. I had to put them down - it was making me crave eating. I dont want the sweet stuff - or even chips or nuts - I want meat - chicken or fish is what's on my mind. Hubby had pasta and meat sauce - I just wanted to taste the sauce with the meat in it.

Ah well - this time next year - I will be eating fairly normal and this will be nothing but a hiccup.
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One Week After

Mar 08, 2012

Had my first post op check up on Wednesday -

I couldn't wait to stand on the scale to see the official numbers - 11 pounds - 11 pounds down! :) In one week - 11 pounds. I was totally thrilled with that number. That means total lost since starting my journey is just shy of 30 pounds. Wow -

Met with the doctor - she took my blood pressure - another thrilling moment 120/74. It hasn't been that low for years. :) So nothing but flowers in that department too.

I had my staples removed and she put steri strips over the wounds. Had a little reaction to the bandages - but nothing that I haven't seen before with other surgeries.

I was to start my vitamins today and keep the shakes at 3 per day. I'll remain on the all liquid until March 19. I'll return to the doctor and be moved to phase 2 of eating which I think is soft foods like cottage cheese, yogurt etc.

Was excited to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Ran some errands after my appointment - Picked up some Isopure - I do hope that's better than those other things. Ugh - they were awful.

I went to the supermarket - the whole experience was exhausting. Just the smells and sights made me wish I could put something in my mouth. I wasn't hungry - just wanted to chew. I definately am having issues with that. Total mind game that - to smell something so good - like toast - but not want it is just the weirdest thing. I mean I want it - I want to taste it - I just don't want to eat it.

Came home and roamed around with hubby in the yard. I do seem to tire easily still - that is annoying too. But  I did get my regular outside walk done before the sun set so that made me feel good.

You know what else I miss? I miss making dinner. It was all a part of my "schedule" and there was some comfort in it. Once I start eating - I'll complain about cooking all of the time again. lol So dumb.


Surgery Day and Then Some

Mar 05, 2012

What a whirlwind the last week has been -

My surgery was scheduled for February 29th - so that meant my last day to eat whatever I wanted was Monday - February 27. What was the very last food item I ate? It was a crunchy peanut butter smidgen. And it was damn good -

Tuesday started the clear diet fast - it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. Of course, I had clear protein waters that I had for lunch and some nice chicken broth for dinner. And - as a suggestion from a friend - I drank a lot of fluids that day trying to be as hydrated as I could. In the evening, as per surgeons instructions, I took a shower and prepped the site with these weird wipes. I did manage to sleep pretty good considering what was awaiting me the next day. I have to be honest - I wasn't really nervous or scared - well - I was a little bit mostly because I'd been fighting off a cold for a few days and feared it would rear its ugly head on Wednesday morning. But I was excited to just get it done and over with and on with the new stage of my life.

Wednesday morning was cold with snow in the forecast. I prepped the site again as instructed, brushed my teeth and was pretty much ready to go.  I was a little afraid of they type of care I would receive at Bon Secours - only because it was kind of old and I was unfamiliar with the place. Gregg was a huge support - kept me calm and heading forward.

I registered at the hospital and went to have some blood drawn for my pregnancy test and was sent to the second floor. Bon Secours has a dedicated unit just for bariatric surgeries. It was nice and clean and the nurses that work there were friendly and warm - really put my mind at ease. I had my own room with bathroom which was nice. I changed into my gown and made myself comfy on the bed. I received an injection in my belly to help with clotting (or not clotting - I'm still not sure). The nurse also tried to start my IV - but just managed to mangle my arm a little bit. 

Gregg and I watched tv for a little bit - just tried to relax. We saw them bring in the patient in the room next to me. I then started to get nervous.

I was brought to the pre -op where an IV was started - the doctor came in and was had a little chat - then the anesthesiologist came in and chatted about the type of anesthesia I would be having. Thankfully - was all via IV - I hate that mask thing that I've had to endure in the past. I got my party hat and then we were on a roll to the OR. I barely remember that - we started talking about Italy and flying to Italy and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

When I began to wake up - my mouth was like cotton and my throat was raw. I couldn't even make spit I was so dry and uncomfortable. The nurse wiped around my mouth and I realized that I had been incubated. Thank goodness I didn't know that before hand because that would have upset me. I really just wanted to hug someone for a sec - I know I reached for the nurses hand and she held mine for a few seconds. That helped so much. Strange what brings comfort. Once I started to really come around - the nurse asked if I wanted an ice chip. Yes - God yes - anything to help with the dry and the sore. It was truly devine - and I had no problem with it. I wanted the whole cup to be honest - I got a few more before being wheeled back to my room. And when I got there Gregg was waiting. A sight for sore eyes. He was happy I made it thru - I was happy to see him. :)
I got a few 1 ounce cups of ice chips - I wanted to just dump them all in my mouth the help the dry and the sore.  But what became more obvious is a huge pain in my sternum. The nurse came in and asked me how I was feeling - I told her I felt like I had to burp but couldn't get it up. She wanted me to actually sit on the side of the bed - I barely got myself upright and I belched all over her - a big - boisterous belch and I felt a million times better.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with getting ice chips in and I got up to walk the halls. That helped so much relieving the gas - I peed all by myself and really I seemed pretty good despite the 6 wounds in my belly. I have to say - the drugs were pretty good too. ;)

The evening came on and Gregg stayed with me until 9. The nurses offered to make him a bed to stay if he wanted - but since he had a cold - we felt it was best he went home.

The evening nurses were just as wonderful as the day nurses. They were so attentive to me - One nurse made me tummy mummy's. I'm not sure that's what she called them - but it was something like that. It was a towel - wetted - microwaved - put in a plastic bag and wrapped in a pillowcase. You hold it to your wounds. It was warm and wonderful and she even made a smaller one to put between my breasts. She tried to make me comfy laying down - but it hurt too bad to stay that way. She was so sweet.

On Thursday - Gregg came to see me first thing in the morning. I napped - I paced - I ate ice chips. Repeat.  Later on in the day, since there were only 2 patients, I was moved up to maternity. The room was gorgeous - like a spa - with big windows and wonderful staff again. No babies sadly - And only one other person on the floor. I continued to just munch and walk - Deathly afraid of getting clots or pneumonia .

Friday morning arrived and I saw Dr. K who released me! :) Everyone at the hospital said I was doing great and felt I would be very successful. It really made me proud of myself - I was worried about the water about being able to keep hydrated on my own. And I kept hoping I could keep the cold at bay. 

It was great to be home - great to see my son and the animals. It felt like I had been gone longer than a few days -

A few things about pain - I did have pain - but it was managed well in the hospital and by the time I got home I was confident I'd be good to go. After all - I had gotten the drugs ahead of time - omeperzole for acid, something for pain and something for nausea. I had also picked up a bottle of childrens tylenol.  Turns out the CT was absolutely disgusting - it was thick and sugary and really made me nauseous. I picked up a different brand the next day - with pretty much the same result. So - if I need tylenol - I just crush and mix with apple sauce. It tastes disgusting but it helps.  I only use the prescription meds when I go to bed -  The only thing that hurts is on the left side  - but even that's not awful. I'm very lucky  - super lucky that so far things seem to be going well.


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