One Week After

Mar 08, 2012

Had my first post op check up on Wednesday -

I couldn't wait to stand on the scale to see the official numbers - 11 pounds - 11 pounds down! :) In one week - 11 pounds. I was totally thrilled with that number. That means total lost since starting my journey is just shy of 30 pounds. Wow -

Met with the doctor - she took my blood pressure - another thrilling moment 120/74. It hasn't been that low for years. :) So nothing but flowers in that department too.

I had my staples removed and she put steri strips over the wounds. Had a little reaction to the bandages - but nothing that I haven't seen before with other surgeries.

I was to start my vitamins today and keep the shakes at 3 per day. I'll remain on the all liquid until March 19. I'll return to the doctor and be moved to phase 2 of eating which I think is soft foods like cottage cheese, yogurt etc.

Was excited to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Ran some errands after my appointment - Picked up some Isopure - I do hope that's better than those other things. Ugh - they were awful.

I went to the supermarket - the whole experience was exhausting. Just the smells and sights made me wish I could put something in my mouth. I wasn't hungry - just wanted to chew. I definately am having issues with that. Total mind game that - to smell something so good - like toast - but not want it is just the weirdest thing. I mean I want it - I want to taste it - I just don't want to eat it.

Came home and roamed around with hubby in the yard. I do seem to tire easily still - that is annoying too. But  I did get my regular outside walk done before the sun set so that made me feel good.

You know what else I miss? I miss making dinner. It was all a part of my "schedule" and there was some comfort in it. Once I start eating - I'll complain about cooking all of the time again. lol So dumb.


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Jan 23, 2012
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