Three Weeks Post Surgery

Mar 21, 2012

Wow - can't believe three weeks ago at this time, I was just being wheeled into recovery.  It seemed like it took forever for my big day to arrive - but how time  has flown since.

It's been a great week -

I managed a week end with my mother in law - and that is a feat and a half. We started at Stew Leonards - which happens to be the best super market that I've ever been to. They fill a "specialty foods" niche better than any place else I've ever been. It must have been 'taste test Saturday' - cause every 10 feet there were sample kiosks with all sorts of nibbles. And - can I say -at first I was like, "oh sure...I can't have any of that." But soon I did find myself thinking, "I don't really want any of that."  Who am I becoming? lol Ok - there was some chicken salad which I probably could have tried but at that time I was still on liquids. But there will be another time - ;)

Another thing about my MIL - she's a FANTASTIC cook! Little old Italian lady who loves to eat - And since hubby and sonny have been eating bachelor specials (primarily lean cuisines since I haven't been cooking) - they were in heaven. Cheese steak sandwiches (the smell almost drove me insane) on Saturday and mussels marinara for Sunday dinner. And - again - I felt bad for myself because I couldn't have any, but watching everyone eat - I realized I didn't really want it! Such a strange realization honestly.

Monday brought my next appointment with the dietician - Down 8 pounds since my last visit!!!! So 18 altogether since surgery - It's amazing!  But even better - I rec'd the ok to move to phase 2 - pureed foods. :)  And I didn't waste any time - I had about 2 tables spoons of cottage cheese Monday afternoon. And tunafish Monday evening. It took me 90 minutes to eat it -but boy was I satisfied.

Monday also brought my return to work. I have to say - the ladies all seemed genuinely happy to see me. I was glad to see them - get's a bit boring around the house all day. I had a great day - and really felt very good considering. We had our annual meeting after hours - another food filled event. I stayed for just a little while (I'm usually first in - last out) - but I let the CEO drive the setup and breakdown and I didn't feel guilty about it. I left early - I just didn't want to sit around and watch everyone eat. (Plus the thoughts of that tuna fish were driving me to distraction - lol).

Tuesday - felt better even still. But - already I can see that getting in all my fluids is going to be my challenge for a long while. I get so involved in my work that I forget to drink. Not good at all - I did feel very dry by the time I got home from work. And - I think I take too long consuming my shakes - I'm so afraid of stretching out the pouch. And - to be honest - I FEEL like I need to eat (little shaky and weak) but I am certainly do not have the hungry sensation.

Today - Wednesday - I dunno why I cannot sleep. I was awake at 4:30 - despite being dog tired when I went to bed at 11:30. Finally at 6 I just got up and went on the elliptical and then worked out with some weights. I need to ask the dietician about when to have a shake or some protein - because I've noticed I'm so dog ass tired when I work out first thing in the morning. I mean really - I can barely shower after I'm so spent. I must have to have something before hand - but how much is the question. I can't wolf it down - and I don't want to have too much for fear of vomiting.

And that ends week 3 - :) on a high note even -


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Jan 23, 2012
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