Week 26 (6 Months to the day!)

Apr 01, 2014

Wow, these 6 months have flown by, I am so ecstatic at the results and the drive I have to keep pushing myself to achieve more success and health.  At the start of this journey, I knew I would see results, and finally felt that this choice was my only choice for success after several, and I mean  several, times of trying and trying and only achieving small bouts.  Today I am down 88 lbs, not once has the scale moved up; only down or stayed the same. This alone is positive reinforcement for what motivates me.

I have set scale victories and achieved each one to date.  I have set goals in the gym, and met them... I have had set back with dealing with being sick (unrelated to surgery) and then had to "get back on the horse" so to speak. But with the results I am seeing it doesn't take much more than self head talk motivation. I have gone from a size 30 (3-4x) to a comfortable 18/20 for pants and 14/16 Large for tops.  To shop in a "average/normal" sized store... its humbling... I find myself starting in the 2x section then move down to the 1x.. the XL...Not sure when my brain will retrain, but for now, it makes me happy to put back all the clothes I pulled to try on, so that I can grab smaller ones.

I feel great.  I know I am lazy with my vitamins and hitting my 100 protein goal, though I come close... It my constant battle.  Mostly because I don't do the shakes and added powdered proteins. This is something that I do hit my goal of 100 when I do drink that shake, or eat that processed bar etc... but for the most part I really like the foods and try to avoid the shakes and bars.. though I do have a drawer full at work and a bag of them in the car.. they are my go to when I am not near "real foods".

My next goal is to be down 100 lbs by my 8 months as that is when I give myself my first "Reward", a trip to sunny Cabo!  I booked it when I lost my first 50lbs.  Wish me luck!

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Jul 18, 2013
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