22 Nov 09

Nov 22, 2009

Tomorrow I am having left wrist surgery to remove a lump (see pic below).  It is day surgery, taking my experience from the RNY surgery this one should be a piece of cake.

I had surgery 1 Oct 09, I am down 61 pounds as of today.  I had a problem last night that had me call my surgeon at home at 1:30 in the morning.  I had sever pain in sternum and feel like throwing up but did not just spit.  Only thing I eat before that was 2 pills 1 was a nexuim pill the other was a Hydrocodon 5/500.  OMG it hurts so bad I felt like I could not catch my breath.  My Surgeon said the pill might be blocking my stoma or that I was having a muscle spasm.  I called him at 1:30 in the morning, he was not to talkative.  He said drink some really hot tea or water and don't eat or drink something the rest of the night.  It worked, I drank the really hot green tea and 10 minutes later the pain and bad feeling are gone.

Well today I still have a feeling like something is at the bottom of my throat.   I tell you the mental part of the surgery is 90% and is winning.  Mentally I am not all hear, I have anxiety attack every other hour.  All the little pains scare me, it seem to me my new Hell a surgery from hell.  Hopefully this will get better because I am waring down.

