Appt. at gym tomorrow... Nervous

Mar 20, 2011

I'm nervous because I was never active as a kid.  I was the favorite to be chosen for the game tag, because I could barely run and catch anyone to tag them.  So the kids always loved when I was it, because the game would last forever because I could never catch anyone.  I actually wasn't  fat as a kid, I was built thick, but not fat.  I just hated to move, and that carried over to my adulthood.  Unfortunately as an adult the weight kept piling on in between the diet pills, crash diets and yo yo dieting. 

Now I have to do a complete 360 and change my whole way of life and thinking.  It's crazy because I programmed myself  to be a couch potatoe, but I have to now work on deprogramming.   I love the changes I'm starting to notice.  For instance, I can walk around the entire grocery store without even stopping to sit down.

I used to have to always survery a location for seating, because after 10-15 minutes of walking, my back would start to hurt and I needed to sit down.   Now I don't have that problem anymore, I'm also parking my car farther in the parking lot.  Something I would have never done before my VSG.   I love these changes and I'm hoping for many more to come.

Tomorrow I meet with the gym owner to do my walk through and learn how to use the equipment.  I will start off slow with the treadmill and would like to work my way up to the eliptical machines.   I'm nervouse because I've always stayed away from public places, the fear of someone pointing/staring, etc.  I have to overcome that fear and it starts tomorrow.  I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of me living a healthier and happy life.

Whoever reads this blog, please keep me in your prayers, as I have a long road ahead of me, and I need to start my journey the right way. 

