Down 140lbs in 6 months YES!!!

Aug 26, 2011

Wow 140lbs in 6 months is very nice, although I have about 120lbs more to lose, I'm okay with this.  I'm half way there, and my goal is to try and knock the rest of this weight out in 4-5 months starting in September.

It's possible, because this month alone I  lost 17 lbs so far and that's with 2 weeks of cheating.   During my TOM I get a little crazy and with all the diet soda/Crystal Light I began to crave junk, so I ate stuff I wasnt supposed to eat.   Now I'm cold turkey on the junk and I've been doing pretty good.  My goal for this month is 18lbs and I'm only a lb away.

I'm telling you watching your junk and carbs is the key to success.   Starting the gym back as well as my Thin and 30 DVD set.. Cannot wait to get back into the gym.

Im getting very flabby and I know that's from me not working out in the past 2 months. 

So 9/1/ 11 will be the beginning to my end!!!!!    If I can lose 17lbs in 1 month, why not go for 25lbs and lose a 100 in 4 months... 

