Did something Stupid Today

Apr 02, 2011

OMG, went to my local Chinese joint for chicken noodle soup, and as I ordered I noticed fresh hot egg rolls.  Why oh why did I do this to myself.  I got an egg roll, and went back to work.

After taking 2 bites of my egg rolls, I knew something was wrong.  Everything came up and I was so sick.  For about an hour I couldn't eat or drink, I felt so sick.  I know my stomach cannot take greasy foods, so it was a dumb decision, but I learned my lesson.  I won't be sticking an egg roll in my mouth any time soon.

Several hours later I was able to eat the chicken noodle soup which felt good after my bout with vomitting. 

Lost 3 more pounds so I felt good about that, but not good about the egg roll.    Did not write down anything today, so I need to make sure to keep track tomorrow.   I'm famous for starting something but not finishing.

