May 05, 2011

Weighed myself today, I'm now down 368 lbs, which is getting me closer to 350 lbs.   Very excited about this, I haven't been in the 300's for a long time, so it's nice to see the scale going down slowly but surely.  It will be 3 months come 5/16, so I'm still on track, even though my Dr. informed me that my weight loss will slow down some soon.  I can live with weight loss slowing down, as it took me 20 years to gain all this weight, I can be a little patient. 

I have 69lbs to go to the 2's, and I cannot wait.  Hoping to be in the 2's by end of this year, that would be nice.  I've been going to the gym , but I went from 6-7 days to 3-4 days, and I stop using weights.  When I as going to the gym 6-7 days a week, I was going through a stall, but now that I cut my days and stop using weights, the scale started moving,  This weight loss thing can be very confusing. 

I do want to start going to the gym 6-7 days again, because I want to make sure that I'm being active everyday, but I will pull back on the weight training to maybe 2-3 days a week. 

Got my mensy today, and she is ferocious, even though I'm not supposed to take Aleve, that's the only thing that works for me, I need to discuss this with my Dr.  Cramps are painful since my surgery, and I'm supposed to take Tylenol which doesn't work at all. 

