5/17/2011 ----- Progress Photos...

May 17, 2011

Wow. What a heck of a month it's been. Job hunting sucks. The teaching job I thought I had in the bag fell through at the last minute. So, I applied and got hired on full time at the place I was temping at. I think the Universe is telling me it's time to give up on the world of education (I taught 3rd grade for 5 years) for a while. Education in Arizona is such a mess right now. Budget cuts, teacher layoffs, no money, no supplies, crazy big class sizes, teachers scheming against each other to hopefully survive the next round of layoffs....yeah, not my cup of tea. So, I'll use my business degree and stay in that world for awhile. And spend time finishing my book.  And it'll be a best-seller, and they'll make movies of it, and I'll be disgustingly rich, and never have to work again, and ....... yeah. Something like that.   How's that for a non-scale goal?

Anyway, weight loss has continued, in fits and spurts. This morning I weighed in at 313 = 79 pounds down! Sweet! Not too much more and I'll be under 300. Such a strange concept. I haven't been that weight since before I met my husband 11 years ago!

Tomorrow I go back to the surgeon's office to see if I'm developing a stricture. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been having some problems tolerating solid foods that used to not give me any problems: scrambled eggs, chicken, other meats. Regardless of how fine I chew it before swallowing. Oh well, I guess of all the "complications" that could develop, a stricture is the "best" one, since it doesn't require surgeyr to correct. (They just stick a balloon down your throat and S-T-R-E-T-C-H the pouch opening out a bit. Oh, that sounds like fun! NOT.

And...I finally got around to getting some progress photos developed and put up here. I'm glad I did because I can FINALLY "see" my weight loss. Looking in the mirror, I can't see it, even though I KNOW I'm smaller. But being able to compare pictures side by side, I can see it now. It's not a major change yet, but it's something!

Maybe ya'll can evaluate for yourselves and send me some reassuring comments.

Okay, so here are my progress photos for now.....what do you think? IS there a difference, or am I fooling myself?

