Light at the end of the tunnel

Dec 30, 2010

Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote.  I am settled into my new place and trying to get into a new routine.  I don't remember being single being this complicated before (lol - another story for another time).  I am not sure if my ex still has me on the insurance or not and I am somewhat afraid to even ask him.  I just don't want to hear the word "no", which he finds so easy to say to me - yet when it comes down to decisions that i have to make that still concern us, i always take that into consideration eventhough we are not together and I don't want him back....anyway
I was supposed to go see the doctor on january 29 for my first appointment, but I called back to ask if there were any cancellations and the receptionist said that they would put me on the waiting list.   Well, the suprise came when I got a call on Monday asking if I could come in on Wednesday.   Needless to say, I said YES!   I was able to meet with the exercise physiologist, the dietician, the nurse and the doctor (which was very personable and funny).   Since i already had the psych eval done, I didn't need to do that. He did suggest that I look into the Vertical Gastric Sleeve, but I am afraid that I will stretch it out -  which would lead to the banding anyway.   If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!
Anyway, I was given a list of things to get completed and scheduled for my pre-op visit in January.  I was worried that this other testing would take a lot of time to schedule, but my primary care physician (i love her!!!!) called me as soon as she got the orders from my surgeon and approved them.  The nurse gave me the necessary numbers and I was able to schedule all of my tests for Monday....No KIDDING - Monday!   I am estatic.  Things are moving so quickly now.  The only hold up will be insurance if my husband has dropped me.  And if that is the case, I would probably pay for the surgery anyway, out of pocket,  because it is that much of a priority for me. 
So, what have I learned so far:    1.  Life is not stagnant   2.  Planning for a rainy day doesn't mean that it won't rain  3.  Keep moving forward as if it were already done  4.  Always thank God for knowing my future and letting me live it in HIS past 
5.  Don't worry about the "what ifs"   OF Course....i am still working on living these out, but I think i am on the right track  :)

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Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2010
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