2nd day post-op

Mar 21, 2012

 March 22- Today is my 2nd day post-op and I am feeling a little bloated, a little sore, still sleepy, and still have a dull headache. I had my first bm this morning (sorry to be so graphic!) and the noises coming from my tummy are quite loud! I still can only manage about 2oz of fluids an hour. I had a difficult time yesterday taking my meds. I cut the pills into smaller little pieces and tried to swallow with water. My mouth immediately started watering, and I began to dry heave. I have not started my vitamins, or my Prevacid for fear that the same thing will happen. Hopefully today I will be better.

Overall, I am happy that I made the decision to have WLS. As I have learned from the vets, the begining is hard, and it should get a little easier over time. However, I knew going into this process that by no means was it taking the easy way out! Everyday I will face new challenges....but the rewards will be so worth it!

In the hospital I had one moment while I was being prepared for surgery that I said to my husband, "what am I doing to myself?" He looked me dead in the eyes and said, "you are saving your life!" Boom! that was all I needed to hear! I was taking control of my life that quite frankly,  was out of control!

One of the highlights of having this surgery was making a new friend! Her name is Susan, and she was my hospital roomate. She too had WLS, and it was so nice to have someone to share the good, bad, and ugly with! I was dicharged one day before her, and I miss her already! But we exchanged numbers, and I told her about OH, so we will most definitely stay in contact! Oh, another cool thing is that before I went under anesthesia, I apparently asked them if they could take a picture of what my belly looked like inside? (I don't remember asking at all!) But when I was in my hosp room my husband showed me the picture! I asked him how he got it, and he told me that I had asked them to take a picture! So now I have a cool souvenir!

I will be making my first post-op appointment this week, for next week. My white blood count was a little high shortly after surgery. They were going to keep me in the hosp an additional day, but after taking another blood test yesterday, the numbers had gone down, so I was released. I have not weighed myself yet since I am still retaining water weight from all the IV fluid.


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Surgery Date
Feb 13, 2012
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