Post-op one week and head still spinning - have VSG

Mar 01, 2012

Talk about disoriented - I never thought and the surgeon never mentioned that I might not actually get the DS.  I went under anesthesia one week ago on 2/23 and when I woke up - I had a VSG only - no switch !!  Turns out my previous hernias and gallbladder surgeries had left behin a mess of scar tissue and adhesions - my hernia repair had used mesh and some of my instestines had grown into the mesh.  So after working for hours on clearing out adhesions and scar tissues, Dr Sudan did the VSG - there was not enough loose intestine to do the switch safely.    Not that I wanted them to do anything unsafe at all.  And I WILL rock this VSG !!

My biggest concern is MEdicare - when I looked into the various surgeries, Dr Sudan would have chosen the VSG as his first choice due to the psych meds I take - but Medicare doesn't cover a strictly restrictive procedure like VSG - at least that is my understanding.  I have heard on the VSG boards of some folks who had their VSG covered by Medicare so I suppose I will take a wait and see attitude and pray and hope that they approve me on the first go-round.

