Three Weeks Out

Jul 02, 2011

Well, I made it to the 3 week mark.  I feel absolutely fine.   I went into the office this week for one morning, and boy was I exhausted afterward.   I realized that although I feel great, I am not ready just yet.   one more week off!   Yay.  I am happy to delay the inevitable for one more week.

Weight loss as certainly slowed down this week.  I was loving the 1 pound a day loss, but that stopped completely.   I have lost about 2 pounds all week, totalling a 27 pound weight loss since my pre op appointment.   I have already bagged up my size 20 clothes and sent them off to the Salvation Army.   I never want to see them again.   I am into some size 18, but mostly size 16 clothes right now.  I bought 3 items from my local "overweight ladies" store yesterday because they were marked down to $10.   I figure that since they were a size X (down from 2X), that I would eventually fit into them.   I cam home and tried them on, and low and behold, they fit.   That was a surprise.  I will have to figure out what clothes I have that work for the office soon. I haven't even begun to look at my dress pants yet.  I know that I have at least 5 pairs of pants that are size 20 so I will get rid of those.  In the meantime,  I picked up 2 pairs of size 16 ladies pants, but that is not enough.   Oh well, if this is my only problem, I LOVE IT!

Technically, I am still supposed to be on a full fluid diet, but I am trying a few things new, purreed of course.  Last night I had mashed potatos - it felt good to eat the same food as my family.   I also had some purreed turkey soup the other day.  I have not had any problems digesting anything at all.  I have had no dumping, no intolerance etc.   howeer, I haven't tried anything solid yet, so I am sure that can change.

This week I see my surgeon and internist.  Next week (the 11th), I see my nutritionist.   I am hopeful that I will keep losing, perhaps a little faster?   I know that these things take time, but I can't help being a little impatient with the weight loss. 

Let me just say, it is wonderful to be on the "other side" after spening 1 1/2 years in queue for this surgery.   Life is just better, and moving forward. 



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Surgery Date
May 31, 2011
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