126 Days Til My New Body By Sauceda

Jul 18, 2012

 I'm writing to share my struggle.

I've lost a lot of weight over the last year, but am stuck in the 163-170 range.  I'm 5'2".  This is not acceptable.  I've had a lot of emotional things happening and I think I can report that some of that is now subsiding.  I've recommited to an intense workout regme.  I'm 126 days from surgery and 30 to 35 pounds from where I wanted to be at for surgery.  I can't believe that I have stalled and let so much time pass.  I wrote at the end of April..I've 2 1/2 months with no progress.  

So I've rallied my friends, told them my goal, cleared my calendar. 

I'm got a workout routine figured out.  Recommiting to a food diary.  I'm looking to be skinny, just want to get the best results I can for my surgery.  I'm doing the surgery for me.  I want to be the best I can on surgery day:  strong, fit, and as lean as I can.

That's all...sending love to myself in writing.

I can do this.

I love the Dr. S board.  So many great new friends who are transforming their bodies, minds and spirits.

