150- again

Aug 10, 2010

Ok, I am stuck. I need to do something more and something a lil less I guess. I am always so good until....dark. Almost like my appetite comes alive. Reminds me of  a scary movie..."It's Alive". I used to get so scared as a kid watching the previews on TV for that movie. Never saw it, but I now relate my pouch to that "thing". SCARY!!! Oh well, I did take action on something that caused me trouble yesterday...this new contraption my step mom bought my daughter- frosting in a whip cream-like can. Caught myself last night taking a "squirt" here and there. Before I knew it, I had surely exceeded the 2 tbsp. serving portion with 6 grams of fat. So, I am sure that is why the scale reflected no change. Darn it! So, I took the can this AM and pitched it in the trash. I cannot be trusted with sweets. It hink tonight I will try sipping hot tea when the pouch/head hunger comes "alive". Oh and I had some cheeze its. Another down fall. Just snacking to snack. Was watching tv and not even really hungry. I need to be more in tune to my hunger cues. Note to self!!! :
B- protein shake
L- chicken salad with FF mayo, grapes, and nuts
S- PB cheese crackers
D- pork taco (corn tortilla)
LNS- Numerous squirts of frosting and cheeze its


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Kingsville, TX
Jul 28, 2010
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