"Anticipation; Anticipation is making me wait..."

Nov 15, 2011

In my Carly Simon voice...
I am 1 week away from my VSG.  I am so overwhelmed and excited about being on the other side of this fat hill that I call my life.  I apologize for my negative vibes. I will try to clean up my language and put my attitude in check for the rest of my post.
The truth is, I am struggling to keep my spirits up.  I feel quite lonely, as I've chosen to not share my upcoming life changing bariatric surgery a secret.  I shared only with the 2-3 individuals closest to me.  The downfall to keeping secrets is, when I have something to share - good or bad, I, well, can't.
I am hopeful for a very short hospital stay: 1 day.  I also anticipate a speedy recovery.  I am trying to focus on all of the things that I will be able to do with my kids, and getting into all of the pretty things in my closet that I purchased when I lost weight a couple of years ago; some of which still have the sales tags.  I will restart my devotionals so that I can move from this pit that I am in.
I love me.  Really, I do.

