If you don't have something nice to say, shut your pie hole!

Jan 02, 2012

I am constantly talking to my 10 year old about ignoring mean girls.  Once they find your weakness - and they will - they will say almost anything to you to bring you down!

Recently, I had to get my head together, using the same words that I shared with my 10 year old.  A few weeks ago, one of my "good friends" planned to attend my 10 year old's ballet performance. I had not seen this friend in about 2 months. I shared with my "good friend" that I lost 20 or so pounds a day or so before the performance.  Well, on the day of the performance, my "good friend" did not mention anything about how I looked.  I waited a full week to ask her what she thought, and if she could tell that I lost a few pounds. Her response surprised me to no end. She says, "Well, did I say anything?  If I did not say anything, it means that I did not notice!  Furthermore, not only can I NOT tell you lost weight, but you look like you actually gained the 20 pounds!"

Well, needless to say, I was crushed, hurt and angry all at the same time.  I did not mention this exchange to anyone until maybe about 1 week ago.  I could not believe how these few words ruined me for a couple of weeks.  I felt a need to mention the conversation to my 10 year old.  She says, "Mommy, that was just mean!  I can't believe that Aunt ------ would say something like that to you!"  She was very upset.

I am not gonna kid you: I was truly messed up about what my  "good friend" said to me.  It was what she said, AND the way she said it.

What did I learn? Well, I thought you'd never ask!

My well-being was totally jacked up for weeks because of someone's stupid, irresponsible, unkind comments.  NO ONE walking the earth should have that kind of power over me! 

Kind, encouraging words from others is nice, however, It is my responsibility to speak kind, encouraging words to myself. 

I am responsible for my progress towards my goal.

Words can hurt worse than fists. I must remember how I felt when my "good friend" was so reckless with my feelings so that I will NEVER do this to anyone else. Golden rule: treat others the way that you want to be treated.

Today, I celebrate me - my past for making me the woman I am today, my present self, flaws and all, and and the me yet to come!

I love me!

