Monday, Oct. 11th, 2010

Oct 11, 2010

I weighed in on my scale at home at 179 today!  Yipee!  I'm so excited.  My next fill is on Friday, Oct. 15th so we shall see what the official weigh in is.  Hopefully it will be the same or less.  I've been really good about eating the right things and the right amounts.  My band is not allowing me to overeat so that's a blessing.  I went to Applebee's with my friend Susan and her grandson on Saturday and I got very sick.  Susan had bypass surgery about 7 years ago so she doesn't eat much either.  Joey ordered the burger from the kids menu (he's 6 years old) and Susan and I shared the appetizer platter.  HUGE MISTAKE!  The buffalo wing nuggets did a number on me.  OMG, and the 2 bites of the quesadilla didn't help.  That's all I had and I was so, so sick.  Stupid me, I took home some leftovers and decided about 6 pm to heat them up and try again.  I would eat really slow and savor the food.  NOT!  2 bites and I was sick.  I slimmed for about an hour.  It was awful.  Now I know not to eat that stuff.  This is a live and learn journey.  Lately all I've been eating are Atkins shakes, egg salad, chicken salad and tuna salad on crackers, SF popsicles, Skinny Cow ice cream sanswiches (very limited on those) and Ritz Peanut Butter bits (those are totally addicting).  I'm losing so I guess I'm doing something right.  Today I had an Atkins Daybreak bar in the car on my way to the train and when I got to the office I went upstairs for some sausage and scrambled eggs.  What was I thinking?  I wasn't hungry, it was head hunger!  Two bites and I was done.  I'm still stuffed and its 10:08!

I'm looking forward to my appointment and fill on Friday!  I'm anxious to see what my official weight will be.  I am also exercising a lot!


About Me
Romeoville, IL
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2009
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