My Bariatric Non-blog Blog

Mar 28, 2010

Friday was my last appointment with the nutritionist before going back to see the surgeon for the pre-op appointment. It was pretty anticlimactic. I was figuring that I would get the pre-op appointment that day or at least get an appointment to set up the pre-op appointment but I didn't. The surgeon's office is still waiting on paperwork from my PCP. Once they get that then we can move forward but not until then. Bummer. A minor set back, not horribly bad.

I had a good weekend. My blood sugar was under 200 for almost the entire weekend except for Friday night when it was 294. EEK! I think I did pretty well for being in Tunica and having every meal out over the weekend. Plus because we were walking through the casinos I got lots of walking in which I'm not gungho on. I have new goals which include making sure that I eat in the right order to prepare for eating after surgery (protein, vegetables, starches), making sure that I continue to drink enough water or tea, continuing to whoop my sister's butt on the Wii... or I mean, continue to excercise on the Wii. :o)

I find that the excercise is the hardest to do because life gets in the way. It's far too easy to sit back and say that I will do it in the morning but when morning comes and I've set the alarm clock 45 minutes ahead so that I can get up, that extra 45 minutes sleep looks pretty good. I know so you'll say, do it at night as a way to destress from the day! At night I have to do my homework for school and I don't some days get home until close to 9 PM after being at work since 8 or 8:30 that morning. I know, far too many excuses and if I really tried, I could get my schedule together and excercise.

Perhaps spending a little less time on Facebook and a little more time on the Wii... yup, sounds good... so maybe I'll start - tomorrow.... PROCRASTINATE NOW!


About Me
Meridianville, AL
Surgery Date
Dec 15, 2009
Member Since

Latest Blog 5
