
May 24, 2011

I'm giving in to my feelings today and just rolling along with them.

I woke up this morning and wanted curly hair. As you can see by my new avie, I have curly hair for today

I wanted compression so for the first time in months I'm wearing compressionwear today

I wanted to have pretty make up, so now I do (I love blue/green eyeshadow and it loves me, who freaking knew?)

I wanted to get eat something between my am shake and my breakfast (I just wanted to chew something) so I ate my stringcheese I had scheduled to go with my lunch.

I wanted to mend fences with the friend who hurt me half my life ago, we talked a bit this morning.

I wanted to write at lunch (because I always want to write after I talk with that friend) but I IMed my husband instead.

I wanted a pina colada to drink when I realized my pineapple and coconut davinci syrups just came in. It's amazing.

Guess what? All these impulses, all this giving in? Which was the worst thing I did to myself? Surprisingly it was NOT eating out of schedule, doing that allowed me to not think about food again until I was back on schedule, so I think that was a healthy decision. The "worst" thing I did was not write at lunch. Not because talking to my hubby is so terrible (cuz i't snot) but now I want to work on my story and have to get my work done. No more giving in, time for some discipline. Sigh. After I finish this entry. Computer writing I can get away with but my story I hand write first, try to get everything down in a nonstructured creative fashion and not worry about typos. I can spell, I just can't type as quickly as I think, so I make mistakes, and I get caught up in those if I'm not careful. Later I'll take my new chapter and type it all up changing some words with teh handy thesaurus adding more detail, dropping some "that"'s (I overuse them for some reason) and generally tweak it until I am pleased. Then I will print it out, put it in the binder with prologue through three adn not let myself look at it again until I'm done with the book. No more editing.

I am wondering if my distractability at work is coming from me not working out in the mornings anymore. I do it after work because I burn 2x the amount of calories that way. Tomorrow I'm going in the morning, it's weight and measurements day and I always do those in the AM, so I'll have to see what my distraction level is tomorrow. Next week I shift back to AM at Curves until the pool closes. I hope it helps with my focus.

So me and my pina colada are going to finish up these reports, place a few orders, and make some phone calls. Then we'll do a couple more reports and head out to Zumba. Then comes the night of potty training. My 2 year old is in potty training boot camp. The home day care he belongs to is run by 2 sisters. They have like 8 kids aged 2-3 all in diapers. They want to have an active summer with our young ones without the stress of diaper changing. So this week they are going all hardcore training on the kids. DH and I are doing our best to keep up with the rigorous schedule in the evenings as well. He'll still sleep in an overnight diaper, and swim in little swimmers, but other than that it's underwear and nudity. Summer should be really nice, lots of pool time, and maybe he'll even get out every now and then to pee. We shall see. So far he's the only kid in the group who is accident free (at the daycare) and goes pretty frequently. They are very proud of him, as am I.

Mood= Good 


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Harpers Ferry, WV
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2010
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