A year on

Sep 20, 2010

Just checking in.  It's a little over one year since my last post, and since my surgery.  My months-long plateau finally broke yesterday, when I moved below the 360-lb. mark to 358.  I've been fluctuating over the same 10-12 lbs. since January 2010.  I had no idea that things would return to "normal" (i.e. pre-op) so quickly.  To be honest, some days it feels like I never even had the surgery.  I rarely if ever experience dumping, so I really have to rely on self-discipline to watch my sugar intake.  I recently read somewhere that a particular percentage (less than 50, I think) of RNY post-ops saw their Type II diabetes return years after their sugery.  That was sobering, to say the least.  It's so easy right now, a year out, to feel that I never have to worry about diabetes again.  I rarely check my sugar anymore; last time I checked it, it was 68 (68???  When was the last time it was that low?  I couldn't tell ya.)

Well, I could fill this up with lots of examples of how I've continuously blown it over the past 8 months, but instead, I'm going to choose to focus on the fact that despite my repeated failures and non-compliance, I've still managed to lose weight, and so I need to use it as motivation to get back on the program.  I saw a commercial the other day on FitTV with some pointers for weight loss, and it reminded me that very often when I think I feel hungry, I may actually be dehydrated, so I need to turn to water FIRST before food.  This is SO true!  How have I gotten so far away from the basics so quickly?    Well, I won't waste time with pointless self-flagellation; instead, I will end this so I can go drink some water!  Yay me! 


About Me
Rockledge, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 27, 2002
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