6 months post op and my first dump

Feb 01, 2011

Howdy my OH family!
Today is Feb 2nd which means I am 6 months out from RNY (as I pinch myself to make sure I didn't dream all of this and wake up to still be 272 lbs)!
Lets see .... I am roughly 158-160 lbs. Which is a 114 lb loss from the start of my pre op diet, and about an 85 lb loss from surgery. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I feel absolutely amazing!! Here's what's been up with me lately.

I am fitting my once 18/20 self into MEDIUMS! Yes people, you read that right! I fit Medium tops!!!!!!!!!! I still fit Large if they don't have much stretch to them, or if they're button up. 
Bottoms are about size 11 (gasps!). I recently bought a pair of track pants from Old Navy in Medium! I shop mostly clearance racks at Kohls, Target, Marshalls, etc. Over the weekend I spent $60 at Kohls and got 2 pairs of pants, a skirt, 4 tops, a pair of knee high socks, and a pair of earrings.  Not too shabby! Everything on clearance. I'm such a sale whore. It's like crack for me!

My boobs have completely shrunk. They look ok in a bra, under clothes. But ... naked is a different story. They're pretty saggy and stretch marky. It makes me sad. But, it's part of the process for most of us, right? However, I do have a hard time finding bras that fit good because my excess skin hangs out the top by my armpits with most bras. I've found that I like the plunge bra from Lane Bryant. But I think I've shrunk out of the sizes they go down to. I'm currently wearing a 38DD (cup is way too big, I'm definitely NOT a DD). I've bought a few "cheapy" bras from Marshalls and they just don't give me the support I need. So I guess bras are one thing I can't skimp on.

I've been doing Power 90. Which is an easier version of P90X (like, WAY easier). I'm on day uhm...... 10 I think. It's a 90 day program. The first few days were really hard because my legs felt like someone took hot needles to them.
But since then it's been going good. Trying to tone up a little. I know some things are helpless because of my excess skin (see pictures) ... But I know working out will help with that. Plus, it feels REALLY friggin good to know I'm actually working out 6 days a week!

I can eat practically anything I want. I had Salmon for the first time in years and years (note: I am NOT a seafood fan). One of my new years resolutions was to try and enjoy new food including seafood. So I gave it a go. It wasn't that bad. I'd try it again. Although I feel like it's pointless because I get way more protein from chicken and enjoy that 100% more. But ..... At least I know there *might* be hope for me to like seafood.
Since my beau and I are both doing Power 90 he's very into eating healthy. So we haven't eaten out in almost 2 weeks. Well, that's not true. We went to Wendys and I got a Chili. So did he.
But at home we cook a lot of Grilled chicken, homemade turkey chili, Homemade "healthy" pizza, eggs, we have yogurt with protein mixed in a lot, fruit, veggies, lean deli meats, Reduced fat cheeses, turkey bacon, Turkey pepperoni, homemade pinto beans, etc. And eat lots of left overs.
Things I splurge on are "healthy" lasagna, trail mix, tortilla chips, a spoon full of frozen cool whip as a dessert treat, a cup of regular coffee from time to time, I've even had a spoon full or two of Eddy's reduced fat chocolate ice cream, etc.  Because at the end of the day, you still gotta enjoy life and some of the yummies in it, right! Just don't make a habit of lasagna or tortilla chips everyday.

And on the note of food.... I had my first Dumping experience yesterday. Or, at least I think it was dumping.  I ate a Chobani Greek Yogurt in Black Cherry (an AMAZING new flavor). It had 21g of sugar. I'm not sure if that was what made me feel yucky or not. I also took a zinc pill 50 mg a few hours after eating.
My tummy got crampy, my mouth started watering, and before I knew it I was throwing up foam, dizzy, and shaky, OH THE CRAMPS! Had a spell of diarrhea. Left work, went home and napped, then felt better.  So, that kids, was my first dumping experience. I don't know if it was the Zinc mixed with too much sugar? Or just the Zinc without enough food in my tummy? Or the yogurt was bad?? Either way.... it was horrible! 

Granted, I still have some issues. I still get constipated from time to time (owww!). I still have a hard time getting all my fluids in everyday. I still want to go to the cheesecake factory and stuff my face with a Red Velvet Cheesecake slice. lol
But, I don't of course. That's just the Obesity disease in me wanting things it used to consume and love. Tisk Tisk!
I have flabby skin, stretch marks, and have lost a TON of hair (it's quite ridiculous). But ... Here I am. 6 months out and absolutely in love with my RNY. My life has changed in so many great ways. I'm active, looking forward to the spring and summer when my honey and I can go on hikes, or I can try camping again! Or White water rafting again! Being 115 lbs lighter has opened up so many doors. Introduced so many things back into my life that I thought I would never do, and I convinced myself I didn't want to do them!

Oh, Also, I saw my nutritionist last week. She said all my blood work was great. In fact my Vitamin D was high so I can lessen my dosage of that as well as my B-12 was high. So I'm going to start taking that every other day.
My liver enzymes have leveled out (They were high on my 3 month check up which scared the crap outta me!). My protein lvl is good, etc. So I'm a happy camper!!

Till next time OH family!


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Middletown, NJ
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2009
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