Something so small

Jun 21, 2011

It's funny how something so small can make you feel like you are on top of the world. I went to my support group meeting last week, and my surgery buddy (we had surgery the same day) asked me "have you tried to cross your legs yet?". I had not. I had wanted to try it for a while, and she had told me a little while ago that she was able to cross them. I was afraid to try because I could not deal with the failure of not being able to, I was used to and had accepted that I could not do that. So I reluctantly tried it, and was able to very comfortably cross my legs. I was so ecstatic I just didn't know what to do with myself. My friend looked at me and say "it makes ya wanna cry, doesn't it?" Boy did she read my mind because that was exactly what I wanted to do, cry tears of joy. I sat there with them crossed until my knee started to ache..LOL..I have reached a milestone that I didn't even realize was a milestone. I'm 15lbs away from my first goal of 250lbs. I'm feeling very good about myself.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2011
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Before & After
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324 lbslbs
230 lbslbs

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