
Mar 14, 2010

I did an experiment today at lunch. I used my watch to eat by.  I took small bites, chewed 20+ times & waited 1 minute between bites. I told my husband, I can see where I will probably get so tired of chewing & the work it takes to eat that I would just say, ok, I've had enough.
My husband is one of the slowest eaters I know & we finished at the same time today but he has twice as much as I did, so I felt good about that.
I just want to really begin eating like I would have surgery now so I can get the hang of it. I had shrimp & I chewed & chewed, I wasn't able to get it chewed up to the consistency I thought would go down well with the band so I spit it out.  It reminded me of eating a slim jim beef stick.

I know this will take practice b/c I have been eating fast since I was a little girl.....most of my life pretty much.

The rest of this month will be pretty busy as well as the first of April. I am glad that I have several appointments. It is making the time go by faster. Plus I have started walking again & getting into my workouts. I walk at least 30 min, 5 days a week & doing my strength training 2 times a week. I want to try & get in 45 min, 5 days a week of cardio. I just don't have the time to do it all at work, I will have to get on my spin bike for at least 15 min at home.
I am just ready for the day to get here when I can say I am an official "BANSTER". 

I was thinking the other day, why am I even doing this? I know that I want to be smaller & wear smaller clothes, but I believe the main reason is so that I can be healthy again. I want to be off of high bp medicine & anxiety meds. I know that isn't the best life for me. I want to be an example to my niece who is battling obesity at 11 yrs old. I am praying she will move closer so that we can exercise together & I can keep an eye on her eating also. My sister had bypass surgery in 2002 but has gained back about 75 lb. She lost 228lb total.  I want her to start going to support groups with me so she can get that weight off again. I pray all this will happen within the next year.

I know that I can be an encouragement to others. I know that I won't be able to do this on my own & it will take Gods grace to get me through each step....but I know that with God ALL things are possible. Including having favor with my insurance company to get a quick approval.

Thats it for now....Just sharing my heart & want to remember how I was feeling pre-op.


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Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2009
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