A new level of success!

Nov 21, 2010

68.4 pounds lost! Woohoo! I have not been in the 350's for close to a decade, I'm so excited! It is definitely now all roses and rainbows, its been a struggle some days. I know I am so lucky to have a good support system in place. The egg trying to kill me experience was followed a couple days later with tuna trying to do the same thing. All I could do is wait and try to throw up to end it all.

My poor son came home from college for the first time worried about me. He wanted to take us out and such but after going through and endless list of what I cant eat I showed him my list of things I can and he realized how hard what I'm doing is and that I'm doing it to be alive to see him graduate. I worned him before he came home that we all eat different at home now and he has been good with it. I want him to get healthier too so that down the road he doesn't have to go through this just to survive.

I showed him a pict of my friend Jenna on here. He has known her about a decade and didn't recognize her till I told him who it was. He was shocked. My kids have never seen me under 250 pounds, even as babies. When Jacob comes back at Christmas he may be shocked again by how I look then. It will be an adjustment for all of us.

I knew planning Thanksgiving would be hard when I had the surgery so I planned it all before surgery and made sure there would be come things I could eat. I'm actually looking forward to it. No grazing while I'm cooking so I wont be full and will eat with my family and friends.

I cant wait to see what comes next, I am actually looking forward to it..

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