Day 47... Back with an update.

Nov 11, 2013

It has been 30 days since I last posted. Been a very busy month. I went to the Dr's office last week for my 6 week checkup. I was extremely excited by the reception I got from all of my Dr's and Nurses. When one Dr came in, he did a double take, saying that he almost did not recognize me. Everyone was very pleased with my progress. At Weigh in I was at 385 lbs. Which was a total weight loss from my first contact in June of 90 lbs, and almost 50 lbs since surgery. There was actually a little concern that I was losing too fast, but I have always been able to drop weight relatively fast, its always been keeping it off that was the problem.

So after 47 days, I am now on a "regular" diet. I am able to eat normal foods. I have been extremely fortunate so far. The only thing I have found problems with eating is bread. Which for me, was always one of my huge weaknesses. I could sit down with a loaf of bread and butter (especially fresh Italian) and a gallon of milk, and eat happily for hours. Now bread just doesn't sit well on my stomach, it seems to ball up and block my stomach giving me mild indegestion and discomfort. Now I have found that if I toast the bread it is easier to eat. Also, if it is like a steamed bun for a hot dog (another sin is Jib Jab Hot dog shoppe) I can eat one. I used to be able to eat a half dozen chili dogs without blinking. Now I eat about 3/4 of one and I am fine. To go with the bread issue, is Pizza :( another of my old weaknesses. instead of eating a pizza, I now can eat a slice.

But as far as other issues, Milk not a problem. I know many people become lactose intollerant, fortunately I have not. And prior I could drink 1-2 gallons a day, well honestly if it was there I could drink it, be it a gallon or 3 gallons, it was gone that night. Now we can keep a gallon in the fridge for a week, and I have to make sure it is still good before I drink it. I have started dating gallons when we buy them to be safe.

Now I have been extremely fortunate with the one fear everyone has at having this surgery, dumping. I have yet to have an episode of dumping. I know that is very rare. And yes, I admit I have pushed it a little bit, I have tried peanut butter cups, chocalte pudding, chocolate chip cookies, fudge rounds, and wendy frosties. Yes I know things you shouldn't eat. But I have been able to treat myself with a few things that I like, but I have been able to moderate it. before, I would get 6 fudge rounds at the drive thru and 2 of them would be gone before I even got out of the parking lot. Now, I treat myself to a half of one and give the rest to one of the kids. I have gone from a XL frosty to a kids size. One peanut butter cup pleases me now, where before it would be a handful. Now one thing I love that i do have problems with is tootsie rolls, I think it is because of how solid and chewy it is, similar to bread. No matter how much you chew it doesnt break apart just kind of balls up and sits there.

One of the very best side effects of the surgery has been the money I am able to save. Just by cooking smaller portions and fewer meals, I have been able to save quite a bit of money.

So at the six week point, I went into the basement and pulled out a tote. Inside were pants that I have not been able to wear in many years. A lot of them fit, in fact some of them actually are too big now, and I need suspenders to wear them. I want to go buy new clothes, but I think I will wait until Christmas and treat myself to new clothes, Hopefully I will be closer to my goal weight after another 6 weeks.

I have been able to be so much more active just in the last 7 weeks. Before walking to the curb with the garbage was a huge chore, now I am able to use my new leaf blower and walk the entire yard blowing leaves into piles. I was able to go up and down the stairs to our basement so much easier than before. Before I would do the one step at a time climb, usually stopping a couple times on the way up. I was able to actually step up and go with only one foot on each step for the first time in a very very long time. I still have problems with walking and stairs because of my leg, but it has gotten so much better.

Now as far as my leg is concerned, One of the things that the Drs wanted to document was the effect of the surgery on the Lymphadema that I had localized in my lower left leg. If you have read my whole story, you know that the left leg has been a problem for many years, from a massive Celluitus infection in 1995 while in France in the Navy, to a Tib-Fib fracture in the Persian Gulf, a series of infections that even started to cause Kidney failure in 2005, to lose of mobility and complicating my weight gain, to Necrotizing Fascitus in 2011, and finally the botched Vein Stripping in 2012 that caused another massive infection and surgery. Well, one of the benfits to my surgery is that for the first time in about 10 years I was able to get a CAT scan. I can now fit in the machine! A huge achievement. Well they did a CAT scan and found that the Lymph node in my Upper Thigh/Groin area is enlarged. Supposed to be a pencil erasure size, it is closer to a chalk board erasure. Talking to specialists, we are pretty sure that it is due to all of the trauma and after effects of the infections, but there is the possibility of the big "C" well since that word pretty much stops any discussion and demands its own attention, last week I had a biopsy of the Lymph node. Still awaiting the results, but pretty confident that it will be negative.

If it is negative, will be looking to have a procedure to hopefully stop the lymph drainage and reduce the swelling. While the rest of my legs have decreased in size, my upper thigh is still pretty swollen and enlarged. I really think It will require some plastic surgery as it is a pretty large mass that has been added to my leg. While the swelling has gone down, prior it would Hard as a rock, with the skin stretched tight, it is now a lot more flexible and pliant, I still do not think it will go away on its on. I am pretty sure it will need surgery for removal. My concern is that it runs down the leg near the femural artery, so I will need to choose any doctors extremely well.

Well, thats pretty much where I have been the last 30 days. One thing that my wife taught me was to put away the scale. I was pretty much getting on it every day or so, and not seeing any progress. She told me once every two weeks, or even better once a month. Otherwise it starts to affect you and your thinking, so, I put away the scale and a month later I saw real progress.

So I will be back with updates every few days, or at least by Dec 16, which is my next Dr Appointment.

I am also scheduled to travel to texas in January for work, I cannot wait to see the difference when I get on the plane. For many years now I have required a seat belt extender, and usually need to sit in a seat with armrests up, or an empty seat just to be comfortable. In fact one time I was actually asked to get off the plane because the person next to me complained. I am looking forward to seeing the change in January.

Until next time, stay healthy and keep the faith everyone.




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About Me
Youngstown, OH
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2013
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