Happy and Sad day....

Feb 18, 2010

Well, my brain is swimming.  I am thrilled with my appointment with my doctor.... he's happy with my loss so far and thinks I'm on track.  I can start soft solids on Monday - hooray for cheese!  =)  I'm all a-flutter at the thought of being able to actually chew something!  =)

On the sad side of things.... I just got a call from my brother.  My grandmother, who has been on hospice for about a week now, likely won't make it through the night.  My mom is with her now and I'm likely heading up there tonight.  She's 91, has been sick for a while and in the nursing home for a long time.....but it doesn't take the sting away.  She's my Nanni.  I may not see her often, but I love her so much.  I will miss just knowing she is here.  But there is some relief in knowing her beautiful soul will be free of her frail, broken body.  It's little solace today, though. 

I'm off to pack.  This will be quite the test of my ability to adapt on this journey.  Emotional eating? This will be quite the trial.  Hope my strength holds out.

Lots of love -
Laur  <3

