Day vs. night weight and why the hell do I do that to myself?

Mar 09, 2010

Why, for all that is good and holy, do I check the scale at night periodically?  Between my morbid curiosity and Aunt Flo - I registered a 2# gain.  Now, I know that I was fully clothed and I, rationally, know that in the evening you weigh more......but it annoyed me to no end.....and I found myself cursing Aunt Flo and all that she stands for.  Beeyotch.  As if her arrival isn't miserable enough.  Okay - rant over.

I've been feeling "empty" more lately.  Not hungry....just empty.  I can tell when I need to put something in my belly.  So, I have to make more of an effort to eat more at work.....I tell ya, work is getting me in the food dept.  The last two days have been insanity - with patient after patient.....and tough ones, too.  Between the craziness and the paperwork - I haven't MADE time to eat.  Therein lies my problem.  I need to MAKE time to do it. 

This weekend I am going to be toting all sorts of snacks around downtown Scranton for food.  I have to - a whole day downtown in the city is bound to get me....if I'm not careful.  But I will be.

K, off to work - 6 reports to write up..... and not enough hours in the day to do them!  I brought some work home last night, but unfortunately my laptop, which was sent directly TO Dell - came back with the OS changed out - but without the new hard drive - which was the big, she's still dead(ish).  Don't trust it for work stuff.....God forbid I lose anything.  OY.

have a great day, all - and thanks for reading! =)
Laur =)

