Good Morning World!

Mar 05, 2011

  Warning: I have a bit of ADD so will switch subjects quite frequently.....squirrel! lol! :)

Today is a thankful day! I have almost nothing to do today! Work has slowed down a bit so I have only been working 40 hours the past couple of weeks which is good and bad. School is still the same-4 days a week and tons of homework and projects to do but it'll be worth it in the end. According to my scale at home, I have lost 3 more pounds which means I have lost a total of 8 pounds, and I am not even trying! I think that I have just been so busy, I don't have time to snack when I am there's a thought! Keep yourself busy! lol! My 4th Dr's visit will be this coming Friday! One more step closer to getting my surgery! I really need to call my bariatric surgeon's office to see what classes they need for me to take so that I will be prepared. I am so impatient and wish that I could just get the surgery now and lose a bunch of weight BEFORE summer but, oh well...I am thankful that my insurance covers it so a little bit of patience and I will be there in no time!

I keep hearing that RNY patients should never take NSAID's but I asked my surgeon and he stated that as long as I ate something before I took one and if I only took one once in awhile, that it shouldn't hurt. I guess that means that I will have to stick to taking my allergy meds so that I don't get those allergy headaches!

I spend hours a week (after work and before school starts) staring at all of the progress pictures longingly.....I can't wait until that's me. I have put myself on a spending freeze when it comes to clothes and shoes. I haven't had very many new items in the last couple of years so I am feeling fat and frumpy right now. I am growing my hair out so that when I am skinny I can feel beautiful but my brother HATES long hair and asked me if I was going to be like my sister's pot smoking friends that have long hair and start carrying around a dream catcher with the clips on the hair is a bit frizzy :eek: if I don't take the time to fix runs in the family. So, now I have a complex on letting my hair grow (thanks bro) and feeling frumpy and fat on top of it...BUT...I will show him!!!! Besides, if it doesn't look right, then I can always cut it! Shorter hair is SO much easier but I haven't had long hair since my son was young...he will be a senior in high school this upcoming year! And, I have really never been skinny and had long hair (maybe when I was 5) so, we will see. It's rainy out today and I love it! I miss Washington on days like this.

Lately, I have been wondering about dating after RNY. This site (amongst others) has helped me read about other's experiences with dating. Lots of great tips and some things to stay away from. I really don't have time to dedicate to a particular relationship until I graduate and though I think that it would be unfair to even try, part of me thinks that if they really like me, they will deal with the very small time frame. After all, my brother dealt with it with his very long-time (8 years) girlfriend. (Who just happens to be my best friend.) I struggled with the idea of getting this surgery...partly because I felt that I wanted to be in a relationship before I had it so that I would know for sure that they liked me as I have been for so long. But, that thinking was a bit off because, who says that skinny people don't have great relationships....I mean how could I think that I couldn't have a great relationship after I lose the weight? Just because I was skinny? I will still be the same person, at least in part. I WANT to make some changes to me...self confidence...feeling friendlier....HAPPIER!!! I know that RNY won't be a fix-all and that I will have to work at changing lots of behaviors that I have but I am confident that I can do it and am looking forward to it!

Well, I have run out of ramblings :D Take care everyone!

