Liqud Diet Day 7

Jul 09, 2011

So, I am on day 7 of the liquid diet which (VERY surprisingly) hasn't been near as bad as I thought it would. I have lost 8lbs since Saturday and that helps with mental thing. Yes, I know that this diet is not to lose weight, per se, but to shrink our livers and I am quite certain that mine is shrinking. It has definitely been a challange and I am very much looking forward to Wednesday so that I can be on the other side of this battle! I am looking forward to feeling better, to looking better, to being able to do the things that I want to do and the self confidence to do them. It has been a hard struggle to get to where I am right now and I am struggling to get to the end of this semester in school as it is THE most difficult semester that I have had in my whole college career. The stress is almost enough to make me want to stick my face in a vat of chicken with cheese dip, guacamole, sour cream and pico de gallo on top! BUT..I have not done so...I am so proud of myself for that...I have carried all the stresses and am almost at the end without messing up my liquid diet and not failing out of college. I actually feel a lot better on the liquid diet than I have in quite awhile. My poor body is probably thanking me! :) 4 days to go and I am focused and yes, still a bit stressed but I am almost there...both in regards to my surgery and in regards to my fininshing the semester from HELL...O! : ) Thank the Good Lord for helping me make it this far. I miss my kids and am ready for their return home....almost there too. I received a phone call two weeks ago to set up my sons Senior portraits...I almost freaking cried...I am so proud of both of my children...I am so very lucky to have them....they are such great kids. Well...back to my homework and studying..I have an exam on Monday and really need to take some tests for my other class. 

Take care everyone! :)

