Two Weeks Post-Op...

Dec 07, 2009

Hi Guys,

What a difference a week makes, wow. I cant even describe to you how I feel to you today. I feel great. I am sitting here trying to be a good patient and drink my protein ( Hello Dr. Frantzides :)... It is just so hard. Why do they make those damn drinks so sweet? Interesting how before surgery I will go to Starbucks and I will get myself I Venti Carmel Frapuccino and gulp it down with no problem but now I cant have an 8oz, diet drink with 1gr of sugar in Surgery changes you so much. I keep trying to explain to my mom how you wake up the first day in the hospital, you know what you have done, but not really. Then you start to recover and you take things slow and its all good and dandy... and then one day....bam.  Its you but its not. Its weird. For example...

You are never hungry and when I say never, trust me...never. Dr. Frantzides, says this will change but now, I can just drink water and I will be fine. Before all I did was shop, cook, clean my fridge, always some excuse to be in the damn kitchen, no wonder I got myself to 296 pounds. Since surgery in 11/23rd...I have been in there probably 6 times. I cant even open the fridge, looking at food makes me gag. The doctor says that will change with time too. The coolest thing though that me as a patient of my wonderful doctor, for who I busted my sweet ass to have, is that he doesnt cut the vagus nerve (sorry Dr. if I didnt spell it right) and I dont get dumping syndrome, which other bariatric patience do. Thats why is very important to research well before you find your doctor. So, for 2 weeks now whatever I have eaten I have put it down with now vomitting or any other problems, which makes me sooo happy. But again...research my friends, find your self the best Dr. and if you are in IL it is easy...Dr. Frantzides. Tell him Tina Hooker is sending you :) 
Let me tell you about my little holes... Well, as you know... I had RNY, Laparoscopically, which means that I had 6 little insicions on my abdomen. They are healed very nicely already, I am taking pictures and when I hit one month I promise to post them, so you see. Dr. Frantzides says that I am out of the woods of any complications because if I would have had them, I would by now, but I didnt. Doctor. Thats why I chose him.  I have slight discomfort on the left side still but this is because I have three internal stiches holding a muscle and need to wait for them to disolve but I could feel how it gets better and better with every passing day. I cant really use the word pain anymore as nothing is that bad, but on that note I would like to talk about my previous posts because I received some mixed messages from readers who were re-considering surgery because of what I described which sadden me a lot.

First, this posts on this blog are my personal feelings and emotions, so please do not based you health decisions on anything I say.
Second, how I felt after surgery should not discourage anyone from having this procedure. Please, keep in mind that people are different and we all experience pain differently. For me, it was my first and only surgery I have ever had in my life. It was painful and it was bad. I also suffer from a severe case of migranes which were killing  me at that point as well. So, the combination of both made it very bad for me, which it doesnt mean its gonna be the same for you. But everything passes. Things get better and you have a brand new, healthy life ahead of you, thats all that matters. Sometimes I wonder, are we worthy of the end if we cant endure the road? We lived all our life suffering from our obesity in one way or another and to avoid calling the doctor's office and scheduling your surgery just because you are scared it may hurt, its kinda goofy :)

I want to make clear one thing again...I didnt choose Dr. Frantzides because he told me "Tina, I promise there will be no pain"...honestly, I didnt care how much it would have hurt. I was sick and tired of being Morbidly Obese, cant wear anything normal, cant walk normal, cant breath normal, cant do anything fun, cant look people in the eye anymoe, cant have kids...and million other things.  I chose Dr. Frantzides because he is THE BEST and he promises no no pain, he promises no complications, which to me, is more important. He promises no dumping, which is more important. He promises to be there for you and call you every week, which for be beats any pain. We fattys know pain more than anyone else, so dont be scared from couple more days of suckyness and a lifetime of healthiness because what this doctor does inside of you is nothing compare to how you feel outside for few days. So, please dont get discouraged. Be strong and listen to him.

And finally the moment you have all been waiting for....on 11/23/2009 Begging the Journey I was 296.  Two weeks later today 12/07/2009 I am 267. For the total of 29 pounds weight lost in only 2 weeks :) Thank you Dr. Frantzides, give me some more of that pain :) I can handle it :) Love ya....

