One Year Later....

Nov 24, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Can you believe it has been one year since my surgery? I can hardly believe so. I still vividly remember the day, I went to the hospital to have the surgery that would help me shed all these pounds and make me feel so wonderful. Last Thanksgiving, I was home and laid on the couch in pain, drinking my water and taking my pain killers, while my family got together and celebrated. But this year, it is different. I will be celebrating as well. I am One Year post-op and 113 pounds down from my original 298 pounds starting weight. I feel really good. I feel healthy and happy. My life is finally on track and crying over being obese is not part of my daily routine.

Now, I am deep into my studying and involved with my healthy lifestyle. I enjoy healthy meals and spending time with my family and friends, doing outdoorsie things. I like to be involved in exercise as much as I can and I never miss the chance to go out for a walk. I am very selective of what I eat and drink and I always take my vitamins. I go to all my doctor visits and try to keep myself healthy.
Life is simply easier and much better. The surgery changed my life for the better. And even though I am far from my goal, I feel like I have achieved a lot and I am thankful for every pound I have lost. I dont take any moment of my recovery for granted.


11 Months and 110 Pounds Off

Oct 27, 2010

It has been a drag this past few weeks or shall I say a month. I am stuck and I really mean it. I have dont everything to get out of this "plato" ( I hate this word) - increased my protein, even upped my work out a lot, changed my work out routine, changed my diet and nothing really helps me. I seem to be moving from 186 in the middle of the week to 188 on Monday ( my day on the scale)... I have no clue why.

I know I should be patient and wait and my body is doing whatever is doing but this is really starting to piss me off. Sometimes I feel like my surgery gave up on me :) And I know it didnt because I can feel the restriction and I know its still working, so what is it then? Why am I stuck?

Maybe because I lost 110 and my body needs a break? But other people lost so much more than me and they are still losing, so why am I not? Frustrating. I have like 40 more pounds to my original goal and maybe, just maybe I wont ever see that happening.

Sorry, for the gloomy post this month.. Maybe its the time of the month? Maybe its me being done being patient with my body being stuck at 188...but I am not a happy camper..

I hope my 1 year post is much better one :) See you next month

10 Months Post-op and 108 lbs off....

Sep 26, 2010

Well, this month was really disappointing, as I lost only 3 pounds. I got down from 193 lbs to 190 lbs... It is slow but I got a really tough month, so who knows, it might be all mental. I am still eating very good and exercising, so I hope things will pick up soon. Maybe after 108 lbs in 10 months my body needed a little break and took it :)

The point is that I feel amazing. I look pretty good (thats what everyone says). Health wise, I have never felt better, so the weight loss is just the icing on the cake. I have about 40 more pounds to get to my original goal and seems like those will be the hardest but its ok. The toughest part is behind me now. I love my new life and I love the new choices I make to keep myself healthy and happy. Next step - plastics.. I hope soon because my arms look like bat wings now :( Well, will post the new pics soon...


9 Months and 105 Pounds Off...

Aug 23, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Today is my 9th month since I had my wls. I am healthy and happy. Everything is going "by the book" as my Dr. would have say. My weight is coming off, slowly but hasnt stopped. I have not had any gains at all since surgery. Only maintained for few weeks here and there, which was expected.

My food choices are nothing compared to my previous life - yeah, this is what I call it :) Now, I crave and eat only healthy things. Primarily salads with tons of cottage cheese ( I love cottage cheese now), lean turkey meat, fat free milk, fruits and veggies. I eat chicken and beef, fish ..and lots of tuna. All these foods make me feel really good, satisfied, and keep me full for a long time. I have learned to chew for a long time, something I didnt do before, which helps me eat less too. I drink a lot of water and take my vitamins everyday.

Life after surgery is just great. I feel beyond amazing. I lost 105 pounds so far, which brought me from 298 to 193. From size 26W to 14 pants and 1x top to M and some even S. I am back to my normal self and I am not even at goal yet. I am so thankful that I didnt give up and fought with my insurance for 13 months to approve my surgery because the outcome is so worted. I knew back then that I had no choice but to either fight and help myself or give up and possibly die someday from being obesse. I choose to fight because I this is the kind of person I am. Now, 9 months later, looking at my health and my life, I wont mind going through the 13 month hell just to be here again.

8 Months Post-op and 100 lbs Down...

Jul 26, 2010

Finally, I made it...100 lbs...I just dont know what to say. I dont remember the last time I was under 200 lbs. I feel amazing, I look amazing, life is amazing.. I felt stuck at those last 4 pounds but my healthy eating finally paid off :)
I just dont know what more to say..I am beyond speechless. This surgery saved my life!

7 Months Post-op and 91 Pounds Gone :)

Jun 23, 2010

Hello Everyone,

It has been 7 months already, I can hardly believe it...And 91 pounds...Almost 100!!! I thought I might make 100 lbs by half a year but I was wrong. Things are going pretty slow now, just as the Dr. said. I am still loosing but much slower and there are weeks when I dont lose anything. But you know, I am happy. 91 pounds it is a huge achievement in 7 months.. and I will take it.

My energy level is insane right now. I go to the gym about 4 to 5 days a week and I work out 1 hour. But when I say work out, I really do. I leave that gym a sweaty mess and I absolutely love it. Some days I swim and I do a full hour and thats about 65 laps in the big pool...Can you believe this? Michael Phelps better watch out :) My friends tell me that I work out like I train for a thriatlon ...but who knows what the future holds.. There is a park next to my house that the path that goes around it is 8 miles and I love to walk that path, it takes about 2.30 hrs.. One days my goal is to be able to run it :)  So, my life right now is full with obsessive exercise but I absolutely love it. It gives me so much energy and makes me feel alive. When I was 300 lbs it felt like I was just waiting to die and now I can do so much, I just cant stop myself from doing all the things I once thought impossible.

Foodwise, I am doing good. I believe with all the exercise I do, I should eat more but I simply cant. Sometimes I get hungry but never like before (when I was 300lbs) I simply dont feel that starvation mode every again. And even if I get hungry, I get two or three bites from whatever it is and I get full. My husband sits across from me and makes fun of me..he calls me a bird. He even recognizes the signs I make when I am full, I start to look around and I guess my eyes get watery and he says I slow down a lot, like I dont pay attention anymore... And all that after 2 or 3 good bites. But I dont feel deprived. Never did. I still can try or eat anything he does I either choose not to or I get a bite just to kill that craving but most of the time I dont even enjoy it, as I used to do, so I never ask for it again. I eat very healty now. Primarily no breads, mostly chickens and beef, tons of veggies and fruit, skim milk and water. Sometimes brown rice and rarely potatoes. Some starches make me full very fast, so I try to avoid them.

Things are different now when I go shopping or go out to eat. I take a menu and look for the Light Version Section or if they dont have any the Salads or always on the look out to split something with someone, as I cant eat one portion myself anymore. I drink only water or skim milk. I cut off all juices and pop from mylife before surgery and I am glad I did. I used to live on Coke and maybe thats why my liver is so screwed.. Now, I feel better. People try to get me to drink when we go out...but I just say No. Its amazing to watch all my friends who are trying to live better but everything falls apart when they go out. I am the only one that sticks to her plan. Maybe I am the only one that has been hurt so much by being obese for so long...

Anyway, as I said...I feel great. Life is completely different. I went from size 26W to 14 (pretty lose now) in 7 months. From 298 to 206 lbs...and I feel amazing. I experience some jealousy because I am not the fat friend, who made everyone else feel good about themselve anymore but thats ok.. I guess at the end of this journey, I will also know who my true friends are too. I absolutely love my surgery and anyone reading this, doubing their decision - dont. Just go for it. It is the right way.

New Hair Cut After 91 pounds Gone....

Jun 17, 2010

I look amazing...

6 Months Post-op and 85 Pounds Down

May 24, 2010

Hello Everybody,

I've marked my 1/2 a year post-op :) The changes are amazing. The outcome is more than I could have ever asked for. As you can see I have lost 85 pounds so far, which is a lot, for only 6 months, and I feel amazing. I am so much more active now, some of my skinny friends cant keep up with me when we go out shopping :) There hasnt been a day that I dont think of my amazing Dr. who did this miracle and kept me alive, did an amazing surgery with no complications and kept on his promise that my life will just get better from now on.

Before my surgery my ankles used to swell up so much that I could barely walk or stand for more than 30 min at a time. Now I walk hours at a time and I look at my feet and there are this perfect, little ankles, no pain, nothing.. and I cant believe its me. I got so used to being morbidly obese that I forgot that there is a different way to live life too. I used to be shy to get into certain stores (for clothes) or even if I did with my mother ( because she is 130 lbs) I will just feel so out of place.. now, I even look through the racks of clothes and try some of them..and they fit...They fit. I went down from size 26W to 14. Can you believe this? I cant. I still see a fat person when I look into the mirror but people around me dont really see that... I wonder if I will ever see what they see?

My food habits had changed so much since surgery. Now, I crave healthy things so much. All I think about is veggies, fruit, salads, grains, skim milk, proteins..I dont buy anything bad. I dont eat any fast food. I dont drink any pop ( I used to have 6 regular Cokes a day before surgery), I dont smoke ( quit that habbit  7 years ago)... To be now, seems like living healthier is so much more easier that living bad. I dont think it takes more planning or is more expensive as people like to say, I just think that it needs the right set of goals and set of mind. Everything else falls into place.

1 comment

5 Months Post-op and 78 Pounds Gone :)

Apr 23, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Today is my 5 months annyversary since my Doctor saved my life!. Thank you Dr. Frantzides!. I am down 78 pounds as of this morning. Down from 298lbs to 220lbs for 5 months... Can you believe this? And the most amazing feeling is the way I feel. I have so much energy I dont know what to do with myself. Like, the other weekend me and my husband went on a 8 mile hike and after we came home he crashed ( and he is skinny minny) and I cleaned the house for 4 hours.. Thats 12 hours of straight up exercise and I didnt get tired... Whos that girl? I dont know! :) I love my new me and I love my life... I love how I dont stuff myself with garbage anymore and I love how I can walk into the store to buy only salad and come only with salad..My husband cant believe this... I prefer grilled over fried anyday now and fruit over cookies anyday... I love it, love it, love it.. Getting this surgery was one of the best thing so far I have done for myself..and getting it with the best Dr. in the world was the best decision I could have made...I am so thankful that he kept me healthy and with no complications... and the weight is just the added bonus :)

I Reached my Half....

Apr 12, 2010

Hello Guys,

Today is the day!!! This morning I weigh in at 224 and this is very important for me because it is half way to my goal. I began my journey at 298 and my goal is 150. So, for barely 5 months after surgery I have lost the total of 74 pounds and today I reached my half :)
I feel amazing - healthy and alive. And everyone around me tells me that I look great too and I am still in the 200's, so I cant even imagine how it is going to be once I reached my goal of 150...

Also, my BMI is finally under 40...On the day of my surgery it was 52.8...How amazing is that? I just love my new me...
