6 Weeks Post-op and 39 pounds Gone...

Jan 04, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had nice holiday and I am glad that the craziness is over with and we can get back to our normal lives because all this "being with the family" was getting to me :) Anyway..

Lets talk...whats important...my surgery and how I feel and how I am doing...
Well, remember how in some of my last posts I was writing that even though I dont feel pain, I was experiencing some discomfort on the left side and I mentioned that my Dr. said that its normal and it takes longer to heal. Well, as of Dec. 23rd, which was exactly one month after my surgery the pain went away, like magic. Now, if I dont see my little puncture scars I wont even know I had the surgery :) I am so happy.

You know, its amazing and a huge blessing to know that you are well, and there is nothing wrong with you. I mean, I read all sorts of stories of people that have been butchered so bad by some Dr's, who obviously werent knowing what they were doing, and then I sit here and I feel amazing. Sometimes I feel bad about all these people out there. My journey is different then theirs and sometimes that really saddens me. But I believe this all lays in our own hands. Research, research, research,.....your doctor. I did, found the best and fought with my insurance for 13 months to get him. And now, seeing how amazing I feel, I am reminded of that fight every single day. And it is so worth it.

Lately, I was getting really upset about my weight loss because I felt like it was really slow. Well, I have some Thyroid problems and maybe my doase now, its not completely on track since the surgery and needs to be checked, maybe thats why...or who knows why...But I felt, like I was not loosing enough. I see all these people, lose between 4 to 6 pounds a week and I lose only 1. That was really disappointing to me.  But, then I decided to make sure and follow my doctors advice about the protein intake, no matter how hard is on me, and find a way to get at least 60 grams in. So, I went to GNC and found their best product now, the AMPLIFY...it has 20 gr of protein per scoop and I do all 3 scoops. I make the shake and it takes me pretty much all day to drink it but it gives me a lot of energy and makes me feel great. I also add all my vitamins in it, as I take them into a powder form. I did that strictly for a week and lost 3 pounds this week. This is amazing for me.

In the begining the protein was constipating me but I called the Dr's office and Jerry ( the Dr's assistant) told me to try Prune Juice, so now every morning after I wake up, I have a little bit of Prune Juice to loosen to bowels and then move on to my protein. I eat regular food for dinner but usually is something really small and primarily protein based. My goal is to reach 245 by the end of January, which might not happen but who knows..we will see...

39 pounds gone make such a big difference in my life. I feel so much better. I have so much energy. I move faster ( at least thats my husband's observation). My family notices me "melting" away as they like to say it everyday. My mom wont see me for like 3 days and then when she does, she notices a difference. I dont really. I guess thats the fat person mentality. I notice difference that now instead of asking my husband to go out and eat somewhere I ask him to go out and do something. For example, this past New Years weekend, we went to see 2 movies, which you couldnt even drag me to the movies before because I felt uncomfortable there. I prefered to be home, laying on the couch, eating and watching a movie. And for one of the movies, we went bowling before that. I could have never done that before. And most importanly is that I felt confident and secure when I was there. It was so good. I dont get jealous when people eat their huge meals. I dont care anymore. I dont even ask to eat anymore. Before, all I though about was food. Now, I just dont care. I look at the people staffing their mouths and cant believe they are doing this to themselves. I love my decision to have the surgery and the way I live now. I finally feel  like I am free. I finally feel like I can do anything and my mind is free to wonder, not chained to think about what to eat now and then later...its just amazing feeling.
I can probably count the times in a week that I open the fridge at home :) I dont even think about it. Before, I was obsessed with food and everything around food. Now, its just freedom.

