3 Months Post-op and 55 Pounds Gone :) From 298 to 241

Feb 23, 2010

Hello Everyone,

What a wonderful day today, isnt it? Despite all the wet snow outside and the cold weather, I am so warm and fuzzy on the inside because today is a special day for me. Today is my 3 Months Surgeversary, as they call it in Weight Loss Land. I cant believe it has been 3 months out already... Like it was yesterday that I used to sit at home all depressed and fight with my insurance for over a year to get the surgery approved.. And today, I am 3 months out of my surgery, getting the results that I used to dream of :) Just thinking about it, makes me wanna smile and smile some more....

As you can see I have lost a good chunk of weight for these 3 months and this is more than exciting for me. I feel great. The best thing about my surgery is that I DONT have any complications. My weight is coming down on its own pace..2 pounds, each week. I guess, thats how my body feels comfortable and thats how much is letting go. It doesnt matter if I increase my protein intake or not, I still lose my 2 pounds each week. So, its like a given for me now..I know that at the end of the month I will have 10 pounds gone...

Doing good with taking my Vitamins and Protein..Excited for my 3 months check up with my Dr. and my release to full exercise, so I can start going to the gym again. I hope that gives me more than 10 pounds a month, if not, I will still be happy :) Life is good now..

