4 Months Post-Op/65 Pounds Down...

Mar 23, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Today, my mood is sunny as the weather outside :) Its my 4 month post-op, without any complications, without any dumping, without any problems. I feel great. I feel amazing. I feel alive.

For these 4 months, I have lost 65 pounds and gained so much confidence. My self-esteem is coming back, finally. My health is perfect, at least to me - no more wizzing when I sleep, no more swollen ankles, no more pain when I walk, no more chest pain, no more migraines (well, due to meds too but the weight is a big factor as well), no more feeling like I will die in my sleep or while taking the steps to my condo.

Now, I have so much energy. I constantly look for things to do. I am never lazy to get up from the couch and get my own water or whatever else, as I used to be. I go to the gym and I work out for a full hour and at the end I feel amazing, instead of feeling like I will die. I have even taken some Cardio Kickboxing Classes, something I would have never attempted of doing before. Now, that I am living this "new life" I constantly look for new things to do, which I was deprived of doing while I was obese. Even, for my 30th bday, which is tomorrow...I am getting Roller Blades from my husband. Can you believe this? I just have desire to move and be active and do things... its amazing.

On the eating side - I dont care about food as I used to. It does not rule my life. I eat because I need fuel, thats it. Some days, I have to remind myself that I have to eat and even I need to really talk myself into eating. Some days, I have appetite, some days I dont at all. I dont know why is that. I drink a lot of fat free milk and water, but primarily water. Before, all I used to think about was where to go eat and what. Now, I dont remember the last time I stepped a foot in a restaurant. I am not tempted. Nothing really sounds that great to me. The one thing I have noticed is that I have craving for simple foods now - like tuna from the can (no mayo), lots of green veggies, not too sugary fruit, plain things... Not so much into the fatty, cheese, saucy stuff that I used to love before.. I think my taste buds have changed.

I am on the look out for new vitamins because the ones I used to take were powder that I used to mix into my shakes but now that I dont do shakes every day is hard for me to keep up with my vitamins. Also, my iron, I used to take it on the side but it constipated me too much and I am scared. So, if you guys can recommend some good multi vitamins, please share.

So....for 4 months I have lost 65 pounds.. From 296 lbs. to 231lbs ...

Much Love

