almost 4 weeks post op

Dec 14, 2009

So far everythings ok. I still get very tired after mild activity and end up needing a nap, lol. I go see my doctor this week to go over my labs. I was able to find out early that most of my labs are fine but there are somethings that are below normal, so I'll see what that really means in terms of recovery. I still have pain around my incisions but not as bad as week one. I havent weighted myself since 12/8/09 and I was down about 25 lbs then. I'm walking everyday but I dont think that I can manage enough, I'll get a little dizzy if moving to much or too fast and will have to sit down. but Overall I think that I'm on the right path and can't wait to hit the gym (if I can afford it, after xmas, the kids and my little disability check I'm broke) I hope to be strong enough to return to work after the New Year but getting better is my only priority.

Now the food, I can get down most cheeses, yogurts, saltines( I know that I shouldnt eat it but it keeps me from having the gurglies), tuna, fish, egss(dont like boiled and scrambled is ok), lots of sugarfree popsciles, baked potatoe with sour cream and cottage cheese. I'm pretty much scared to try anything else. Threw up on boiled egg and that was the worst freaking feeling ever!! No lie... I made chicken noodle soup today and had a piece of pasta that had chicken on it, no problems there but I stayed close to the bathroom just in case. LOL.

Most days I'm just trying to get in as much protein as possible food and shake. Its hard to do most days. I just dont want all my hair falling out and it's really starting to shed and it's really dry not matter what kinds of treatments I've tried. I'm thinking of trying a mayo treatment next time.

Now the interesting part. Its only been 4 wks since surgery and I find out that  a 23 year old, fine ( I mean licking yo lips at the man on the cover of a magazine fine) is trying to HOLLA at me (I'm 35 years old), came over my house ready to fix some sh*t too and I dont even know what to do with that. I'm thinking about it though, I like a man thats good with his hands. Maybe yall should just call me Stella cause I'm trying to get my groove back, for reals.

I plan to start posting pic's just as soon as I can. Got a new computer and dont know how to work everything. Until next time...


About Me
Surgery Date
May 30, 2009
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