Puke-ie Puke Puke

Apr 22, 2010

So I had my second issue with food--a greezy hamburger (I thought it was juicey - but I guess it was the wrong kind of juice!)  The first was fried chicken- it stuck and I had to work to get it up and out.  The hamburger on the other hand made it clear it was not staying!  I have comed to the conclusion that it is the grease that does it--I have eaten beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, tuna, pasta, bread, even some fancy pudding- no problems (of course in very small portions 4oz at the most).  It is great cause I don't feel like a freak that can't eat anything- but I am still loosing and not eating outside of my range- Yeah me listening to my body for the first time ever!  I didn't weigh today because we are moving and our scale is packed up.  Water and protein is still hard-but getting a little bit better.


About Me
Vilseck, XX
May 28, 2003
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