2 year update

Apr 01, 2012

As with so many post OP's life sped up for me.  I am now 2 years and a few days Post op. I am at below goal sitting at about 135-138 depending on the day. I wear a size 8 and a med shirt.  It is unbelievable now to look back at my pre-op pictures. I can't believe I lived with all the extra weight on me for so long.  My life has really been made by this surgery- I can do anything now! I am currently trying to get pregnant--not as easy as it seems!   I am able to swim and hike and bike comfortably. My husband can pick me up. I can sit in chairs without worrying they will break. I have taken many flights and the seats are much more comfortable. Sleep is better. Sex is better. Clothes are better (ok clothes are awesome!)  I will throw up once a month if I push my amounts or my sugar limit--but I try to be very aware of those two things.  Life is really great!

PS the one draw back is the skin issue--I look like a melted candle with clothes off- I try not to let it bother me- but I would love to get a body lift at some point--there are just many things I want to do first- like having a baby.  Hubby doesn't care so I will let that be for now.



Nov 08, 2010

So my 6month surgiversity came and went--with me not at goal...but I have lost 100 lbs (really 104--my start weight was off) and I am about 8 months in--so I am pleased--I think I should lose another 30lbs and that would be just peachy with me--I am losing about 10lbs a month now --which is slow but--should put me at goal by the one year mark.  I still am not getting enough protein--but close!--and not exercising (though I did take a 6 mile hike on Sat.  and didn't feel like I was dieing). I know this is critical to long term success and I need to get my act together--I am going to buy a elliptical machine and set up a work out area upstairs--then I have no excuse (we will have to wait until after x-mas though --since we are broke as a joke)

Anyway---yeah to me!


Sep 20, 2010

So I know I just posted yesterday---but I went into my office that has the good scale today (the one that is a digital medical scale--and the one I have been using to post my weights) and my weight with jeans and shirt on is 201--that means if you take off at least 3 lbs for jeans and shirt I am 198!!!!   One of these days I am going to come in after hours and strip down to the buff to get the real read.    I have broken the 200 mark---super happy-- only 9  more lbs til Century club!!!!!


3 days to 6 months...

Sep 19, 2010

So I am 3 days away from 6 months--I have hit the dreaded "around 200 stall" and am sitting at 200 for the last week or so.  I had my first person do a double take at my ID...my first client tell me "I didn't recognize you'  I am in my last 2 pairs of "old pants" that fit--the last time I wore those was 2000--I have been lugging them around for 10 years--so I am going to wear them while I can.   I am getting better on protein--doing a shake a day...still no regular exercise--I need to start firming up--I have jiggle butt for sure. I bought some stretchy pants to take me through the next few sizes..but it is so tempting to buy jeans.  I can't get over how small my top is now--I can suck in my tummy so my ribs show!  My knees are also looking smaller--it is my usual pattern of losing from the top down and bottom up--so the last 50 lbs need to come from my thighs and butt.  All in all it has been a great whirlwind--

Almost 6 months....

Sep 08, 2010

So I am a few weeks away from 6 months--I would love to get under 200 by then--I am at 203 right now--It is totally possible- I am in size 18's and bought a pair of stretchy 16's the other day. My top is a large/medium. I am excited about getting lower in pants sizes--I am almost out of my last pairs of pants.  I bought some stretchy ones so hopefully I can wear those all the way down to size 10/12--This process is expensive! But I really want to wear clothes that fit--something about wearing baggy clothes bothers me now--I don't need to hide anymore! It is also great to actually be able to go into a store and try on clothes and know that it isn't going to be a nightmare.  I am getting some saggy skin on my arms- inner thighs and belly- My boobs are doing Ok but they weren't big to begin with. I hope I don't get really bad saggy butt--I have a serious booty!    I am taking my vitamins but still need to work on my protein , water and exercise--it is getting better- just not where I should be.  I am going to go in at the end of the month for my 6 month blood work and weigh in. Wish me luck! 

Back in the saddle

Aug 04, 2010

Feeling better... I am recommitting myself to this process and not getting discouraged.  I drank 3 protein shakes this week increasing my protein by 30g a day--and I am  buying a car at the end of The month- so I can start exercising at our gym.  I think I am going to try running--it has been awhile and I think I might be able to do it now that I have dropped some weight. We went on a 5 mile hike up a mountain this last weekend--and I didn't hurt like I used to--I hit a "energy wall" once I got to the top--were I felt like I had no juice left--but I didn't feel like my heart was going to explode or my back was being sawed in half.....  I am 214 as of today--I fit into size 20's last night!!!!  Yeah for me--those didn't fit 2 weeks ago so maybe I am losing inches.  I might be going home this weekend to see my family--which will make me feel good--they are very encouraging.  I sort of wanted to wait to see them til I am at goal..but they are anxious to see me now.

Now some stats to make me feel better

Date of surgery  289  BMI  Extremely obese  Size 24/26-2XL tops
Today                  214   BMI  Obese   Size 20's  Tops Large "normal size"

Future---at 170 lbs I will be overweight 
at 140 I will be normal weight---IT WILL  HAPPEN!!!

In the dumps...

Jul 29, 2010

Ok so I am feeling really down today..I realize that I have lost only 5 lbs this month--gee I wonder why? Could it be SODA- CANDY-BEER-CHOCOLATE--total lack of exercise plan- poor water intake-not eating enough--not getting enough protein????? I don't know what is wrong with me-I have been given the chance to lose all the weight I have been bitching about for years and now I am totally blowing it.  I can not continue to do this- I am really screwing up. What is my problem?  Why am I sabotaging myself--like I always do--is it laziness? is it fear? URRRRGGGGG- I Need to get my shit together--and DO this!

18 week update

Jul 18, 2010

4 and a half months!  I am so conflicted--it seems like a long time- but also a short time- I feel like I have come a long way -but also not enough.  So I am using this blog to put myself in perspective.  I have lost about 70 lbs --that is roughly half a pound a day since surgery.  I am wearing a loose 22-pants that haven't fit me in 4 years (and then didn't really fit me that good) .  I weigh less than I did when I got married, less than my husband, and less than I did when I met him.   I am about 18 lbs away from 199 (huge goal!)  I got  rid of my first round of "big clothes" cause I know I don't ever have to go back to them (I really look forward to having one wardrobe-instead of bits of clothes in every size from 16-24). I don't snore anymore, My back doesn't hurt doing simple things, I can cross my legs (and often do), I can sit in chairs without worry (most chairs anyway) . I went on a 5 mile hike in the woods with a bunch of skinny people and didn't have a stroke.  I eat better food, less food, and more water than I ever have.  I take my vitamins everyday. I don't feel deprived or angry or hungry all the time (past diets you can go to hell!) Ok I think my pep talk is working! 

Anywho me and the hubby are starting the ABS exercise routine--beginning with 3 days a week of training and 3 days a week of light cardio.  We are already pretty much doing the diet plan. I am hoping this kicks those last 18 lbs off in 6 weeks--My big goal was to be under 200 by the end of the summer and at goal (or near) by X-mas. I am going home to see my fam and friends for the first time (or it will be) a year and a half--I think they are going to freak out--I was looking back at pictures from my going away party...My GOD I was huge--bloated and popping out of my clothes.  People are starting to notice and say things--I am still in the "obese" camp though--I think alot of people just look at me and say "She's fat-moving on"  I think many skinny/normal weight people just have a normal/not normal catigories for people and their weight-so me losing 70 lbs is not super noticeable because I am still bigger than average. Now these next 70 lbs are going to ROCK! these are the big guys--the difference between 215 and 135 is huge in most peoples eyes --I know it was for me on the way up the weight ladder. 

I have no regrets at all--I think having my gallbladder out during the surgery helped alot with sickness and having complications.  I still puke sometimes (about once-twice a week) if I try something new and it doesn't sit right (chocolate milk, and black beans are the latest culprits), but after it is up and out I feel fine and go right about my day.   I talked to my sister in-law and her husband about the surgery--I tried to keep it real and talk about the complications and how hard it can be in the beginning, middle and end for some people.  I really wanted to say "You need to do it! You don't know how much your life is affected until the weight starts coming off!!!!"   But I stayed neutral and didn't push one way or the other. 

On a side note (whew I am chatty today) I watched the TV show for teens called "Huge" about a girl that goes to fat camp--at first I was a little put off by it--this girl was saying "My mission is to get fatter this summer"- but then they started showing some reality to the plight of being overwieght.   I am going to watch some more and see what they do with it.


Jul 08, 2010

I am at 223--but this week I have been on my period this week--which usually means I stall out while I am on it then lose like 3 lbs over a weekend...we will see--I feel like I am back on track with my food- I am not getting enough protein still or water- but I am not eating junk food....I re-confirmed to myself that junky food makes me feel bad-and doesn't even taste good.  I think that what I used to love about junk food is the gorging that I did--I would eat so fast and so much that I was busting sending myself into a food coma.  Now I can't eat fast or much at all and the junk food is just not having the same allure.   So I am back to my banna and yogurt in the morning- sandwich in the afternoon and protein something at night.  My 22's are loose and I went through my closet and tossed all my 24's with confidence that I will never go there again--what a great feeling!


Jun 28, 2010

225.....225..... Keep on truckin'

About Me
Vilseck, XX
May 28, 2003
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