chugging along

May 05, 2010

Instead of saying it each time I am just going to start abbreviating Struggling With Protein and Water as (SWPW). Since it looks like that is going to be the way for awhile.  I got close to 60 yesterday and lost 2 lbs over night (during my period no less!) so I know that makes a huge difference-- but It is still hard.  I puked 3 times last week on things I didn't chew good enough or things that had hidden sugars--so I am playing it safe this week.  I found a new wonderful product--Almonds with coco on them-- only one gram of sugar and protein AND chocolate taste!   So I am down to 252 as of this morning. my pants are looser- but still not falling off-- my tops are looser too--but I can still wear all my old clothes-- 12 more pounds and I can get into my old 22's --I hope to get there soon. 


About Me
Vilseck, XX
May 28, 2003
Member Since

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