Life Plan Devotion #218 [where is God?]

May 16, 2010

Hi, Everyone.
I trust you had a great weekend. Are you ready for a new week? Ready or not, it's here.
As you may know, my 8th grandbaby was born 4 days ago. My son called last night. It was their first night home with the baby, and these sweet first-time parents had a question for Nana: "How do we warm up the bottle?" Oh, my. Bless their hearts. I told them what to do, and then reminded them that they could call me anytime, day or night. I also told them that I remember being nervous, in those first days of motherhood, but that God has given them all they need, and that is LOVE.
If you think of me today, especially between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m., CST, I'd appreciate your prayers. You can read all about it, in today's devotion.
Let's pray for all those having surgery today, those recovering from surgery, and those who are facing a challenging life circumstance (even if it's one of their own making).
Thank you, to all of you who read and respond to the daily devotion. It blesses me. To those who comment on my blog, even though I cannot reply to you, at least not there, I do read every comment. I appreciate the welcome and support that all of you have given me the past 2 years.

Life Plan Devotion #218 [where is God?]

Psalm 139:7-12 "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, 'Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,' even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you" (NIV).

     I have to go to the dentist today. I was just there, three days ago, but that was for a check-up. Today, I get my teeth cleaned and undergo a necessary root canal and temporary crown. I was very surprised to be told that it had been five years since my last appointment, although I shouldn't have been surprised. You see, pain is something I try to avoid, and because of being chloroformed and raped at the age of 15, I don't like having anyone, especially a man, near my mouth and nose, close to my face, close to my body.
     It is time to quit avoiding pain, for trying to avoid it only results in...well...more pain. It is time to feel the fear and do it anyway. That sounds brave, but I know how it feels in the pit of my stomach, even now. I remind myself that I know where God is, right now, and I know where God will be, when I'm in the dentist's chair.
     God is here. Almighty, Holy, Majestic, Awesome, Creator God is here, in this moment. God is, and He is here. Think about that! Think about this: What if you the middle of your failure, confusion, pain, darkness, foolishness, or even your sin, and said, "GOD is HERE."
     Awareness of God's presence brings overwhelming clarity, courage, peace, comfort, and help. One of my favorite quotes by A.W. Tozer is, "God is here, what a difference it would make if we knew it!" (The Pursuit of God). I encourage you, dear reader, to bring the fact of God's presence from mere knowledge to personal awareness, because when you (and I) do, it will make all the difference.

What this has to do with weight loss:
How much awareness do you practice, when you eat? So often we sit down to a meal and eat too quickly. Today, slow down. Take a few moments to look at what you're about to

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