Life Plan Devotion #250 [My Restoration, part II]

Aug 01, 2010

Hi, Everyone.
It has been a very busy 2 weeks. I thank you for your patience, for allowing me time away, to rest, to get some much needed work done, to take care of some medical issues, and to spend time with family. It was all necessary, but I missed writing the Life Plan Devotion, and I missed having contact with you. You were in my heart and prayers.
Tomorrow, I will have a vaginal sonogram and mammogram. In the near future, I will undergo a colonoscopy. These are just to see how I look on the inside, not from any concerns. :)  I saw the knee surgeon, and x-rays confirmed that both knees are bone-on-bone. We are trying the triple Synvisc injections in each knee, as he would like to hold off on surgery. I'm relieved and disappointed, all at the same time. I know the Lord has a plan, so I will try to patiently wait for it to unfold.
Today, we continue with the 23rd Psalm series. If you missed the first 3, feel free to read them on my profile blog. 
Please pray for all those having surgery today, as well as those recovering from surgery. If you have any specific prayer requests, please post them or send a personal message. 

Life Plan Devotion #250 [My Restoration, part II]

Psalm 23:3a “He refreshes and restores my life (my self)” (Amplified).

     Last time, we looked at the first type of lost sheep, the person who has not yet given his/her heart to Jesus, and how the Good Shepherd pursues the lost with great compassion. Today, let's look at another type of “lost” sheep...the believer who, for whatever reason, feels lost, hurt, disconnected.
     Everyone goes through struggles. Believers are not immune to them. Trials come, from within and from without. Jehovah-Rapha, The Lord my Healer, desires to refresh and restore.
     The believer may feel lost within, not because he/she is not truly saved but because apathy has been allowed to come in. Like any relationship, our relationship with the Lord will suffer if we ignore it, if we ignore Him. Eventually, the Lord will say to us, “'You have forsaken your first love'” (Revelation 2:4). In the meantime, we feel disconnected, like something is not quite right, although we may not even realize the reason.
     At other times, the believer may feel lost because of struggles without—being on the receiving end of hurts from others, when the whole world seems wrong. If this describes you, today, let me remind you that Jesus cares, and He desires that you cast all your care upon Him (I Peter 5:7). If there is something you need to do, He will let you know, as you ask Him for wisdom. Otherwise, let Him work out everything, in His time, in His way.
     The apostle Paul, and those who served with him, experienced “conflicts on the outside, fears within” (II Corinthians 7:5, NIV), but it didn't last forever. Paul goes on to write, “But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us...” (7:6). Open your heart and mind to God's comfort, through prayer, through His Word, through other believers. If you need a heavenly hug, He will give one to you. If you have lost your first love, allow “Godly sorrow” to well up within you, for it “brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret” (7:10).

What this has to do with weight loss: There are times, on the weight-loss journey, that you may feel lost, unsure as to what to do next, to continue releasing weight, or you may feel lost without the former temporary comfort that overeating gave. Whatever the reason for how you feel, reach out to others, for help. Use the knowledge gained, and do what you can do, every moment of every day, whether you feel like it or not.

Prayer for Today:

Heavenly Father, there are times I feel lost. Sometimes, it's because of outside forces. Sometimes, it's because of inner conflict. Whatever the reason for how I feel, You are the answer. You are always the answer. You know me so well, and You know what's going on...even when I have no clue. When I'm feeling out of sorts, remind me that You are with me, that You care, and, as I partner with You, that You are working everything out for my good, because You have called me to Your design and purpose (Romans 8:28, Amplified). While my feelings are often fickle, my faith is my sure foundation. You are my Sure Foundation, and, with You, I am never lost. Thank You, Lord. Amen.”   

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