Life Plan Devotion #230 [salt-free salt]

Jun 08, 2010

Hi, Everyone.
It's raining here in Kansas, and I have the back door open so I can hear it and feel the nice breeze. I love it, but it makes me sleepy. ;)
Today, please pray for those having surgery, those recovering from surgery, and those who realize that they're losing some of their "saltiness" (see devotion).
As always, I love hearing from you. Let me know how I can pray for you, too.

Life Plan Devotion #230 [salt-free salt]

Matthew 5:13 [Jesus said,] "You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste [its strength, its quality), how can its saltness be restored?" (Amplified Version).

     Last time, we looked at the purpose of believers, to be "the salt of the earth," to add flavor, to follow the Golden Rule, and to preserve that which is good and healthy. Today, let's look at what happens when believers do not live as "the salt of the earth."
     I remember when I gave my heart to Jesus, at the age of thirteen. He took a shy, invisible young girl, and He wooed me out of hiding, and I quickly became more of a Spirit-filled extrovert. My eyes sparkled, and there was always a smile on my face. Kids at school, who hadn't even noticed me before, were drawn to my smile, and would ask me, "Why are you always smiling?" I'd tell them about Jesus, then. They asked, and I didn't shy away from the answer.
     The thing that had kept me from giving my heart to Jesus earlier was a fear that He would require that I drop my friends. He didn't, so I tried to let that part of my life remain unchanged. In fact, I had decided that I would be used of God as some sort of "missionary" to them. I tried. I really did. I'd sit with them on the dock by the Ashley River, in Charleston, SC, and I'd cringe when they'd speak foul words. I had allowed God to purify my mouth, so I didn't think their words would affect me, but, in time, they did.
     First, I began thinking those words that are not worthy of room in a believer's mind. Before I knew it, unworthy words were coming out of my mouth. I was shocked. I was dismayed. Jesus said nothing to me, but the Holy Spirit, resident inside me, was grieved, and I felt that grief.
     After a time of heart battle, I made the decision to walk away from those friends. My relationship with Jesus and my testimony to the world was more important than having friends who pulled me down rather than lifted me up. I know that had I not done so, I would have experienced the metaphorical result of salt losing its "saltness (its strength, its quality)." Eventually, my life would have become "insipid and flat" (Luke 14:34, Amplified). 
     Jesus prayed that we believers would be "in the world" but "not of the world" (John 17:15-16). We are meant to influence our world, without the world influencing us, and it won't unless we get so involved in the world that we begin to lose our spiritual flavor. There's a fine line.
     Salt can only lose its saltiness by two ways: dilution or contamination. It's the same for the believer. It can happen in a quite subtle manner. The Greek word for "salt" in Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50, and Luke 14:34 is pronounced "hal'-as" and the figurative meaning is "prudence." Prudence means "wisdom with regard to practical matters." May we, as believers, exercise wisdom with regard to whether or not we are becoming "of the world" more than being "in the world." The difference just may be the quality of our walk with the Lord and our testimony before others.

What this has to do with weight loss:
Too much sodium in your diet (above the RDA of 2300 mg daily) will lead to fluid retention. A 5-lb. gain due to fluid retention may not be permanent, but it's upsetting, nonetheless. Continued over consumption of sodium can lead to increased blood pressure and kidneys that have to work harder. Keep track of your sodium intake for 3-7 days, to see if you need a sodium overhaul.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, You desire that, as a believer, I influence the world without allowing the world to influence me. Give me wisdom to know when the ways of the world are impacting me in a negative way. Whatever I cling to is going to affect me, whether positively or negatively. I want to retain my spiritual flavor, and anything that dilutes or contaminates that is not worthy of being a part of my life. Give me the courage to see it and to do something about it. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen." 

