Confessions of a Fat Person

Aug 10, 2010

August 10, 2010

It has been 8 days since my surgery and I have to say, I feel pretty good.  I have been exercising regularly, have been sleeping fairly well, and taking sips doesn't hurt my stomach.  In fact, recovery has been so good that I am wondering if the other shoe is going to drop -- or when.  

I'm still on a fluid diet (for another 2 weeks!  I'm jealous of those of you who can do pureed or other food already!).  So here's my confession:

My wife made homemade chicken nuggets tonight for the family  -- it is, basically, breaded nugget sized chicken.  We sat there at the dinner table while I had my "chocolate milk" protein shake (which has become very boring) and all I kept fantasizing about was licking the bread crumbs off from those damn nuggets.  I wasn't even really interested in the chicken....just the breaded tasty texture.  If that's not a carb addict, I'm not sure what is.  

I didn't actually lick my children's food, of course, but it was tempting. : )

Today was the first day I felt hungry.  I really need to increase my liquid intake.  Why don't I feel full after drinking two ounces??? 


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Surgery Date
Feb 26, 2008
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