Picking the weight back up

Jan 20, 2010

Yesterday I weighed myself and picked up 3lbs... not really happy about it, but now I am trying to get my butt to the gym to get it off of me and work twice as hard. Tomorrow morning I am going to get up in the morning and see if I can get a workout in the morning before I have to be at school and IF I don't have clients tomorrow night then I will go back before bedtime. I really think that I am going to have to up the number of days that I go to the gym and really commit to mornings especially since my evenings are even busier than my mornings.....

I hope I can get back on track I have to admit to having cheated a bit by drinking too much soda, and snack size snicker bars at school. I did at least stick to eating lunch that I took to work and school with me instead of spending money out and I hope to keep that up this week and add in many more workouts than I have had this week. I am supposed to be down to 289 lbs this week and I know I am so far away from that by doing the lazy crap....



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kansas city , MO
Feb 23, 2008
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