4 - month Surgiversary

Mar 23, 2010

This is my 4-month surgiversary and I have lost 70 lbs, and am under 250 lbs which was a mini goal.  I had many NSVs this month:  I went to Disney World and rode all of the rides and could get in and out of them by myself, the airplane seat belt had slack in it, I was cold so my husband loaned me his jacket and it ACTUALLY fit, and I am fitting in some 18s now (down from 26/28).

Although I have continued to lose, I am not really proud of my eating.  I haven't been getting enough protein, and have been eating too much junk.  I also have not started a formal exercise program yet.  I do walk quite a bit now because I am always busy doing things, but I know I need formal exercise.  I definitely have a muffin top that used not to be there I need to get rid of.  I am an all or nothing kind of gal so my focus has been on baby steps, developing new habits to last a life time.  My focus in the coming month is to log my food and exercise again and get back on track with protein first!

I still intend to go to OA, but haven't yet got up the nerve.  I am still attending the weight loss support classes and going to a therapist.

I talked to my therapist about one thing that had really been bothering me.  My nut said 1060 calories:  100 g carbs, 90 g protein, and 33 g fat.  That is way more liberal than many of the posters on here.  My take on this journey is that for me the right thing is not to go to extremes with either dieting or exercise because I know from past experience I can't sustain it over the long haul.  I would rather stop short of goal and be happy with what I am doing and how I am doing and build a program I can sustain forever versus going to the extremes I see on this site which for me are nothing more than a diet I can fall off of at some point.  My therapist supported my outlook on the journey and said that the extremes are what cause people like me to fail and I need to avoid them.  I really felt better after getting her support.  I know not everyone will agree with this, but this is my real goal.  I want to lose enough weight to be healthier and not have all of the issues with morbid obesity, but after that it is more important to me to live a normal life eating normally (as normal as I can with a small stomach) than to get to goal and spend the rest of my life trying to maintain it. 

I am delighted with where I am now, and am so excited with all of the changes I have seen.  I am going to continue to work on eating right....I can finally say it and mean it.......I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!!!


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 28, 2009
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