So, it's come to this

Jan 06, 2012

At the age of 31 (32 in less than a week), I have decided to finally go through with having Gastric Bypass surgery.  I have toyed with the idea for a few years.  My Bio is quite simple- I've been a thick chick my whole life!!!  I have always been active and played softball, basketball and  did track in high school--all while still being a big girl.  I played basketball in college and hit my lowest of 175 pounds.  That was the last time I saw that weight!!  I am currently at my all time heaviest.  I even weighed less when I was 9 months pregnant!!!  I am a single mom and haven't had a real date in almost a year.  I've never had problems attracting men, just not the right ones.  I don't like myself right now.  I have lost all self esteem.  I have lost myself behind my weight!  So, I'm dusting myself off, gonna stop feeling sorry for myself and take charge of my life!!  I have already done the seminar, the evaluation with the psychiatrist, and have 1 more visit with the nutritionist before everything can be sent to the insurance company.  I'm optimistic that all will go well and I can get approved in a timely fashion.  My friends and family are all supportive and proud of me and eagerly await the new me!  I have started up with my personal trainer again- to try to minimize the loss of muscle and excess skin.  I am 3 days in at the gym and feel like I have been hit by a train, but I feel good inside!!  Let the losing begin!!!! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2012
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