2 Years have gone fast !

Jan 31, 2010

I still can't believe it has been two years since I had my surgery !  Life has changed so much.  I am working now something I know I would not have done before.   I work with children that have autism and severe emotionally problems.  I have to use muscles in my body that I never knew I had.  I have also completed a course on self defense in the classroom something that was much more physical than I thought it would be but will definitely help me in the classroom since I have been attacked several times in the last 5 months.  I am still working on going back to school because there are so many things I would love to do with the kids I work with but I need to become a teacher in order to do them.  I can't wait because I know I will make a difference once I am a teacher.  If I can get a child that is not verbal to speak sentences with me in a two week period imagine what I can do in a year !  Sorry that was a little bragging on my part but I love working with the kids that I work with as they have also taught me many things about myself.   My husband and I have made it through so much stronger than we were before and believe me it has not been easy.   We are planing a getaway  to celebrate .  I have heard of many couples not making it through the first 2 years after surgery so I think this is something very important and worth celebrating.    I have learned like many before that I am a food addict,  this is a demon I will deal with for the rest of me life but I will never let food rule my life again !  I am very proud of all the work I have done in the last 2 years it has never been easy.  Each day I make a choice to be active and put the right foods in my mouth and there are some days that I make the wrong choice but I don't wait until next week to start over I start the moment I realize I have made the wrong choice.  That being said yes I have cake and pizza but I don't eat 2,3 or 4 pieces I have one with a salad and I don't have it everyday.  I will not deny myself of something because if I do I will binge latter even now with a smaller stomach so I have learned I can have a little and it keeps me from having a lot latter.  Once again its that demon.  Surgery did not fix that .  My addiction to food is something I still have to deal with everyday.  The question I hear the most is ,  Are you still happy with your decision to have surgery ?   Yes 100%  I have never been more sure of something in my life it was the best decision I have made in my life I am so much happier than I have ever been .  Surgery helped me regain control of my body and my life.  It has helped me to see I am a strong person and I can do anything I set my mind to.    2 years have flown by I still feel like it was yesterday .  I still pause in awe when I see my whole body in a mirror or window.  I am learning to love myself one day at a time !  Something that I hope to continue for the rest of my life !


About Me
Dumfries, VA
Surgery Date
Nov 04, 2007
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