11 more weeks to go...

Apr 19, 2010

11 more weeks to go and yes, I am counting every single minute of it. My son made some comment the other day, “You are going to love this baby more then me.” Of course this is normal… right? For him to think this? It’s been just him and I for so long. He’s been through a lot of changes so quickly. Me getting married and then having this baby. I am so blessed that him and my husband get a long and that my husband loves my son like his own. My son and him get a long so good and there is definitely a bond there. My husband says things to him like, “I am proud of you SON.” He calls him son all the time and I think that is very admirable since he’s really not his son. I think it’s so cute. I would have it no other way and think we are damn lucky. I just hope he continues to love my son the same after this baby is born. I know, silly talk. Silly thinking… But people surprise me sometimes… life is a mystery and you just don’t know how people are going to act or be after a life changing event. My rash is still live and kicking and itching like there is no tomorrow. I went to GNC and bought a bar of Pine Tar soap and that helps a lot. I am very self conscious now about wearing short sleeve tops. It looks pretty gross. I called my doctor today because I shouldn’t be self diagnosing myself and wanted to get in to see the doctor. Of course he is not there for a week- he’s out of town! So, I will sit in misery until the next time I see him which is next week. The tar soap seems to be relieving my pain and itching so that is a good sign. The bad part is that it still looks very ugly. Oh, and I weigh 191 pounds today. That is 31 pounds total I have gained during this pregnancy. I am counting from my wedding day when I weighed 160. I still have 11 more weeks to go and I have no idea how much I am going to gain in those 11 weeks. I guess I should really just start watching it from now on. My goal was to stay under 200. I sure miss my size 6/8 jeans. I hope I can get into them soon after this baby is born. That is a MAJOR goal of mine along with completing the Nike Half Marathon in October. Our brand new sofa came on Friday and I LOVE IT. Our house is looking so good. It’s amazing how clean and beautiful the house is now without the dogs messing it up. There is no way in hell I could have had a new sofa with those dogs still living there. That would have been a total nightmare!  


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Pacific Grove, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2006
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